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10 Amazing Ways to Deal With Body Image Issues

Do I look good enough now?
Do I stick out?

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

We all have problems with self-image occasionally, but it often takes a toll we shouldn’t have to deal with. Having to deal with self-consciousness and body-image is a daily part of life, but it does not have to be. The longer we wait to do something, the longer we sit in dysphoric discomfort. The longer we have to wait to finally feel alright and not care about what others may think of us when we’re suffering, the worse. If you want to be happy, you have to avoid being caught up in trivial mush that does not matter. Not only are you not as ugly as you think, you’re probably more attractive than most. While this can’t be applied to everyone, it applies to those struggling the most. I’m going to be listing the 10 amazing ways to deal with body-image issues.

Mental disorders like body dysmorphic disorder are real struggles, especially nowadays. Be it you’re too fat or aren’t good looking enough, people will think that they’re ugly. We all have a tendency to see things in ourselves worse than they actually are. Everyone has to have an issue, so why not make it a body one? People are especially sensitive to issues, but not everyone has a dire problem with their looks. There’s anorexia nervosa too, where people think they’re too fat and restrict their calories to be skinny. All of these are problems to take seriously, especially if people actually have them. The problem that most people with these kind of issues have is expectations. We can all be attractive, we just have different expectations for ourselves. These expectations are always higher, but it’s a matter of difference in opinion.

There are plenty of ways to cope with having body image issues, but the problem is learning how to not have to cope. Coping can be easy or hard, and oftentimes, it can end up being maladaptive. A maladaptive coping mechanism is essentially a coping mechanism that does not work. If you’re trying your best but nothing helps, it’s probably because you learned to cope from the wrong things. These coping mechanisms end up causing more of the same problem and end up making it worse. If you want to get out from marinating in your own misery, it’s best to make these things second nature. This is when a coping mechanism is no longer a coping mechanism, and there’s no shame in it.

Everyone has coping mechanisms, but it’s hard to call many of them coping. Going out and impulsively buying cocaine to feed your boredom is not coping. This would end up being maladaptive coping, and as you can see, the problem only ends up worse. A good coping mechanism is facing your thoughts and learning to be okay with them. The only way you can do this is through practice and exposure. This will in turn create a mental environment where coping is not required as much. A good sense of what good coping is, is by doing some meditation through mindfulness. Before long, you’ll jump into a practice that helps. Just know that coping is a part of life, and you’ll always be relying on it, trying or not. It’s best to find what best suits you, and there are plenty of things that help that are generally universal.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

1. Look in the Mirror

I wonder where that plane is going.

Do you want to know a great way to get over your body image concerns? If you do, then the first step is looking in the mirror. As tough as it may seem, all it takes is a little bit of motivation. Self-reflection is key, and being self-aware is even more important than that. Conquering your fears is crucial to success when it comes to issues with self-image. This comfort zone pushing is an easy way to get yourself out of your misery.

While “easy” may sound easier said than done, it’s a matter of it being right in front of you. Like everything else on this list, they’re fairly simple solutions. The point is to take one small look with an idle face, especially if your problems rest in your face. Often times, people with insecurities with their appearance have insecurities with their face. It can be any body part, but warming yourself up is a great way to start.

The face is the most commonly complained about part of a person’s body. Be it from others or the self, it’s the place that’s easiest to see and attack on will. It’s where we talk, see, taste, smell, and create our expressions of pain and joy. Like any part of the body, we feel here, and it’s hard to hide. The problem lies in people thinking that others are considering the same things. Most of the time, people aren’t paying attention unless there is a glaring issue. If someone is looking at you, it does not mean that they are seeing a problem with the way you look. Whatever perceived defect you think you have, the other person may find that appealing or attractive. Doing your best to not misinterpret what others think, and it’s best to ignore it all together.

Most of the time, unlike you, other people are not thinking about what you look like. For them, it’s barely a consideration, because they’re thinking about themselves. We will often look at ourselves as if the world is constantly looking at us with scrutinizing eyes. Much of this comes down to our own judgments and how we scrutinize others. Every day we’re judging others, so don’t we all deserve a break, including from ourselves? The only reason others judge you is because they haven’t dealt with some problem in their life. You can cut yourself the same break, and it does not have to be that difficult. So, instead of jumping straight to judgment, jump in front of a mirror and begin to expose yourself. You know what I mean.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

2. Positive Affirmations

I can finally see the light!

Did you know that the most attractive people are typically the ones hardest on themselves? If you think that you’re ugly, you’re probably objectively not. It’s not just about finally seeing yourself outside of the ugly visage, it’s more than that. In addition to this, those who struggle may try to hide their appearance, and this is something that you must avoid. Be it hiding behind a collection of sweaters or a bunch of makeup, those who have a hard time accepting themselves will hide their good looks. It’s not that everyone can look attractive, and it’s true to a degree, it’s simply that some people can look better. You may think that it’s all about how you cover yourself up, but it’s not. A bunch of people may think that it’s a correlation with hiding your looks and attractiveness because you’re hiding yourself.

The problem is that too many people are reactionary to their appearance. Instead of taking a look at themselves and saying that they look fine, they jump to ugly, even at their best. It’s almost like people are addicted to feeling negative. Instead of reacting and brewing in the negativity, it’s probably a good idea to think better. Thinking differently is a key to success, and every time you feel bad about your appearance, tell yourself that it’s okay. And did you know that smiling can make you look and feel better?

It is okay to be critical of your appearance, but it has to be done rationally. It does not require overthinking it, it just means to take a step back and do things properly. In the end, it really boils down to changing the way you think to change the way you perceive things. Regardless of our appearance, we can all end up feeling at least alright about the way we look.

This isn’t to say that you should be unrealistic with yourself. Be honest with your emotions, but don’t get carried away. This is often easy, as we all get defensive and have to hide behind coping to feel better about ourselves. If we end up being mean to ourselves, this ends up rubbing off on others. At the very worst, another person and their appearance should barely be a concern of yours. Tell yourself that you look alright, and avoid being quick to react in times of stress. The more you do this, the happier you’ll end up being. This is what they do with cognitive behavioral therapy, and it actually works. With a little practice, you’ll start to feel better instead of wondering why it will never change.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

3. Challenge Your Thoughts

I’ve been here my whole life, and for some reason, I can’t think anymore.

Did you ever think to quit hiding? The stress of hiding can cause great stress and discomfort. This discomfort can cause people to think they’re ugly because they look stressed and worn out. The more you reinforce the negative thinking, the more it can catch up to you. When it’s sticking to you, you’ll find it hard to leave it’s grasp. A thought may be a simple reaction, and you’ll go back to that as reference to your appearance.

The goal is to finally be comfortable in your own skin. The less you react to subtle perceived flaws, the better off you’ll be. This is where challenging your thoughts can come into play. If you think that you’re ugly, start questioning why you think this way? It’ll often boil down to moments in your life where you were formed to believe something. Maybe it happened regularly or it was one singular life-changing moment, but everything happens in steps.

Take a step back and examine why you think you’re ugly, and try to unravel it one bit at a time. Doing so will enlighten you to the source of the problem. This kind of thinking is the same thing that allows drug addicts to finally ween themselves off of a drug. It does not take much effort except a little bit of self-awareness and willingness to avoid steadfast reacting. Even if you have a slightly crooked nose and this is your definition of ugly, does not mean you can’t see it differently. You can change the way you see yourself, because you’re probably already making it out to be worse than it actually is.

From my own personal experience with body-image issues, I had a hard time staying out of delusion. I would often hide my appearance, even when others weren’t around to see any perceived defects. Sometimes, all it took was feeling like I looked some way to react with negativity towards a subjective feeling. This feeling was fleeting, but I allowed it to stay around by reacting to it all day.

Even behind the numerous shirts and jeans, I couldn’t find a way to be comfortable. All I was doing was masking the problem. The problem wouldn’t entirely go away for long unless I fixed the problem from within. There was always great rush in solving the temporary problem, it was a temporary solution. There are better ways to feel accomplished along a better way of thinking. Just know that even if your problem is not this bad, the same rules can apply to your situation.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

4. Distract Yourself

Do you see the face in that cloud too?

A great way to get yourself out of an insecure funk is by distracting yourself. Yes, having the motivation is the entire battle, at least in this circumstance, but that’s the battle. The point is to find reason to get out and do things. Maybe it’s already something that you do, and maybe you need something a bit more to help. Good distractions can range from taking a walk and getting exercise to hanging out with a few friends. You never know, you may be taking things for granted.

While some of these things may not be for you, a good distraction can be found in anything. As long as you stay busy, you won’t constantly be stuck in the state of mind that always gets you to zero. It’s always a good idea to do something that you don’t like, because the last thing on your mind will be your appearance. If your appearance problems are so pervasive that they can’t be ignored, good things can come from staying busy. Even if it’s a challenge and you don’t like it, it’s the best thing you can do.

Creating a routine is also a good way to distract yourself. Having goals in mind every day can keep you from wasting your time on the way you look. As ugly as you think you are, you’re your own worst enemy. If you stay at the front gates all of the time, you’re going to find more reasons to hate yourself for it. The more negative feelings you have, the more they build up into a tower of mediocrity. This can contribute to disappointment and self-pity, and this is no way to treat yourself.

There are better ways to feel accomplished than your looks, but it’s not to say that looks don’t help. The best thing you can do is not even consider them, and the more fun you can fit in a day, the better. The rest of your time should be spent doing things that are productive. No one said that it would be easy, but it actually is, you just have to keep doing it more. I’m not here to help you solve everything.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

5. Practice Mindfulness

I already know about the mind, but what about the body?

Do you want to know one of the easiest ways to get over your body-image problems? I think you do, and whatever the problem may be to whatever degree, mindfulness can help. Yeah, becoming mindful is either second nature, or you’re in the process of learning it if need be. Some people walk their way right into it, while others struggle with it. People are born and raised this way, and some have too many problems to face to take advantage of it. Things like meditation walking are great at keeping the mind busy. The funny thing is that you don’t have to think, and this way, your thoughts become less controlling. The damage control button is hit, and since you cleared your mind, less can interfere with rational thought. You may even solve more than one issue while you’re at it.

Meditation is the ultimate form of mindfulness, and it can teach you to avoid the negative thoughts that plague you. Our source of insecurity, whatever it may be, is often tied to stress and overthinking. If you take some time out of your busy schedule thinking negatively all the time, you can meditate. All it takes is 10 or 15 minutes every day, and you’ll end up saving more time in the end.

The jarring this is that you’ll find out how much of your day was spent wasting time. This lack of focus is one of the main contributing factors in being insecure. The more we feel unaccomplished, the more we rely on our appearance. This cycle leads back to your ambitions, and before long, nothing seems good enough. Get through it by simply hearing me out and taking some time to clear your mind every day. It’ll work, and if you need to start slow, that’s fine, too.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

6. Talk With Someone

Oh, man, my hands are too ugly.

Were you aware that talking with someone may help you with a problem. We all too often wrap ourselves in our struggles to the point of suffocation. It’s too hard to see a way out, and it almost becomes a part of our identity. The more we do this, the more difficult it’ll be to finally get out. As I’ve mentioned before, talking with others gives you a chance to get out of your head. Sometimes getting feedback from others helps, but it’s not always so simple. We all have a tendency to use fallacious thinking when it comes to our own confirmation biases. Many of us may think that someone is lying to us when we look for validation. People think this way because they have little faith in decency based on their previous experiences.

While we may appreciate the person trying to help us, we’re not looking for sympathy at this time. The problem is that we expect too much, and moderating expectations is important. Along with this, overthinking is something we’ve got to get a hold of when taking these issues into consideration. Instead of thinking how this is hurting us, we can consider how the person is genuinely trying to help. This is often the case, but we don’t want to see it because we expect more. If you’re thinking that someone is simply trying to make you feel better, try to think differently. Even if it’s true, it does not mean that we can’t take the validation that we shouldn’t and don’t really need in a better way. This can help in many ways.

You also have to consider that people may seem disingenuous, but that’s because we can’t help but think that way. Others can have ulterior motives, and many people can attempt to hurt you. In our times of need and desperation, the mind is not thinking straight. It does not mean that talking with others does not help, because the person may think you’re actually attractive. This is all you can really ask for, but it’s unfortunately not enough much of the time. It’s not always this complicated for everyone, but it’s always a problem to a degree. You must find the right people, and finding the right people is worth the effort in going through the wrong ones.

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that all we’re doing here is feeding our needless addictions and learning from our mistakes. We will learn from our past from our perceived experiences and bring them with us. Sometimes, the ills of the past bring out further mistakes in the future. This is something that often gets us into trouble, and it’s not our fault. This does not mean that you can take your life into your own hands and make what is now into a better. You’re the living arbiter of your future, and it’s best to do something with it. Don’t just sit around and wait for something to happen, because it will never come to fruition.

Beyond this, talking is a form of therapy, but if you need to talk with a therapist, that’s great, too. Therapy is one of the best ways to get yourself together without too many strings attached. Although it does cost money, many therapists are covered by health insurance, depending on the plan. You probably only have to go once or twice a week, and you can get all of your work done at once. What do you have to lose? You’re going to have to want it to become successful. Once you’re happier and less distracted, things will come more naturally. The cool thing is that you’ll almost find that this is success enough. The tougher your times have been, it takes less to keep you happy. This is something few can say, and it’s good to be efficient.

Seeing a therapist is concentrated help, and you have a routine to build out of it. It’s their job to help you, and they have the extra motivation to get paid. You can’t always expect a friend to be there for you in times of strife. It’s not to say that you can’t find friends like this, but they’re hard to come by. Also, you don’t want to be asking your friend to talk with you all the time. If you see a therapist, it can be on your own time, but it may cost cash. However, don’t you think your sanity holding you back is a problem worth fixing? It’s your choice, just know that any of these is an option.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

7. Improve Your Appearance

How do the man tits look from this angle?

One of the best ways to get outside of yourself is to think outside the box. The fortunate thing for you, other than the struggle to finally do it, is to find reason to improve yourself. The more you do this, the more the good feelings will rush over you. Taking care of yourself is very important, but it does not have to be a chore. If you’re sitting around thinking you’re ugly all the time and doing nothing, this is for you.

Making small changes no matter what you do, including bathing if you’re stuck in a rut can make you feel better. The better you feel, the more respect you’ll feel you deserve. Oftentimes, the things we’re perceiving are just that — a perception. One day you’ll think you’re amazing, and the next you will look like poop. Even though you look better the day you felt like you looked bad, you don’t see it that way.. The more you realize that it’ll change and we all have down days, the better you’ll feel.

This is not to say that you should go out and get plastic surgery, because that’s the thing you should avoid. If you do this, there is no shame, but you did not need it. If this is your problem, you’ve let the problem win. Unless you’re trying to correct a functionality issue, this should not be a consideration. The point is to find a way to not get caught up cosmetic problems as much as possible.

While there are people that are less attractive, the probability of someone struggling with real issues is slim. The only way this would be the case is if a car ran into your face, and thus, you’d have a functionality issue. The last thing you need is a plastic surgery to only find out later on that it was not necessary. If you end up regretting it, you can’t really go back and change anything, especially if a doctor shaved something off. Only do this if all else fails, and think about it for while.

Making it a reward and not a necessity to improve ones appearance is always useful. If this is going to the gym and gaining muscle or losing weight, that’s extremely healthy. Not only will you feel healthier, you’ll end up looking healthier no matter what. You’ll also gain some feeling of accomplishment, and at the same time, you’ll release feel-good chemicals. If it’s about treating yourself to a spa treatment or love therapy, that’s good as well. Just know that treating yourself good is necessary, and realize that the abuse is happening not because of you. It’s happening because it’s within you to be hard on yourself. Even if you are unattractive, thinking about it this way is no good. There are plenty of remedies that can help. It does not just boil down learning how to not giving a crap.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

8. Stop Putting Others Up

I’m going through the third stage of metamorphosis.

What’s one of the first things you do when you think about how ugly or decrepit you are? If you’re struggling with a body-image issue, quit putting others up and yourself down. You’ve got to get up and quit putting others on a pedestal. You may not be doing it consciously, but it’s something that is happening, and it’s contributing to intimidation. The last thing that you need to deal with is feeling intimidated by others, but it happens to be a common issue. If you’re suffering from insecurities that make you think everyone is better than you, you have a problem in need of fixing. The only problem here is your thinking, and your thinking is something that you can change. Everything you see will verify your fears, but it’s how you learn to react to them that makes all the difference.

To know that others are no better or worse than you can be somewhat of a blessing. Yeah, some people are smarter, nicer, or whatever, but it comes down to arbitrary differences. Much of this is superficial, but it’s not to say that there are differences. Regardless of someone being better or worse, understand that you have a bias. There are better ways to look at things rather than a black and white view of good, bad, better, and worse. There are more important things in life to accomplish than having what’s considered a “nice job.” Just try to be the best person that you can be.

Maybe you’re too afraid to look at people, and this can boil down to another issue you have as well. In turn, the less you feel intimidated, the more you can feel like more is going on with you and not everyone else. It’s not to say that everyone is your friend, but treating others well can make you feel better too. Having endless jealousy or envy for others will only create a toxic environment. Don’t allow silly little harassments get in the way, because they’re certainly not worth it. You’re better than you think, and that should be way more than enough. It’s not your goal to be the best, even if you happen to be.

Comparing yourself all around is a bad idea, and it never really leads anywhere. You’ll constantly be at odds, and it creates a hostile environment. If you’re already starting low, the comparing can get out of hand and make you resentful. So, do yourself a favor and look at others not as competition, but as people struggling along with you. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies with others either. It’s not to say that some reverence for others isn’t healthy or normal, because it is. However, to be bipolar when it comes to others because your self-esteem is all out of whack is not good. You don’t have to be around others for this to be a problem, and it can cause you by yourself problems as well. So, give yourself a chance by giving others a chance, and this in turn helps give you a chance.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

9. Educated Yourself

Maybe if I cross my legs I’ll look cooler when I read.

Educating yourself comes naturally from experiencing things, but reading up can be of great use. Reading articles on body image can be useful when trying to dominate an issue that’s currently dominating you. The best little saying you can gain from this is that you should dominate your thoughts. You should not allow your thoughts to dominate you, because then, you’re in even less control. Knowing facts does not make you smart, it just makes you informed, but it does not do any bad. It’s not to say that knowing certain things can’t do damage, but research certainly helps find solutions. The current predicament you’re in may require a solution, and in this regard, knowing something is always good. Even if it’s not something you want to hear, new information is knowledge worth knowing.

There are plenty of articles to read online, including this one, that can help out with body-image issues. While it’s still hard to find much help online with things like body dysmorphic disorder, you can find plenty of books. There are also studies that can help out, even if it seems a bit too clinical. Any information can come in handy when it comes to a problem that needs a solution. The thing that you have to understand is that what drives solutions and progress is a need for it. The more you need something, the more you’ll find a drive to create a solution for the problem. If your problem with your appearance is bad enough, you will find a way to inform yourself. Even if it’s just about finding out that you need therapy, it’s a start, and it’s better than nothing.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

10. Learn How to Laugh

I’m actually in a good mood today.

Do you want to know a great way to get out of the gutter? Laughing! Yes, laughing and finding ways to be funny is an awesome way to get yourself up and going. Why take medication or get plastic surgery when you can literally laugh your problems away. Gaining a sense of humor is another one of the great ways that you can overcome your negative perceptions. Since no one is forcing you to feel bad but yourself, taking a little bit of responsibility always helps. Instead of comparing yourself, laughing off the differences you see can help give you insight into your problem. This is because the less time you spend inside the problem, you can think outside of it.

There’s also a thing with success that can drive us away from this stain in our lives. Seeing someone else that we care about suffer is no fun, but we can help. If someone in your life is struggling, try to make them laugh. Not only will it help you, it’ll help them, and then maybe they can learn the same thing. It’s not really about what you find successful, it’s just a matter of feeling it. If you feel accomplished, this may be the solution to your problem. Even if it’s something as small as getting through your daily routine, it still counts. Try to find interest in the small things, and the small blemishes will more than likely disappear.

To end, we are accustomed to wallowing in shite if we have to deal with something on a daily basis. The success of feeling better about your appearance will help, but it likely takes success to help with this feeling. Helping other people is a great success, and while having a sense of self-aggrandizement is nice, it’s purely subjective. There are some things that we can all agree will feel good, but what matters is the feeling. Along with this, learning to have a good time and laugh at your own perceived faults is great. It will help you make light of them in a healthier way, and this should end up being your goal.

Final Thoughts: 10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to deal with self-esteem issues related to appearance. You have to learn to avoid avoiding the problem, because there’s no good to obtain in that. The more you practice, the easier this progress will happen. There’s no need in waiting, when you can start right away. It’s going to always be a journey, so treat it that way. No good can come from sitting around and waiting for things to happen. You’ll be wasting your time for nothing, only to regret waiting around in the end. The earlier you face your face, the better off you’ll be in facing problems later on. Just understand that there’s no good in trying to block it all out.

While medication and plastic surgery are options, these are the options we’re trying to avoid. If all else fails, it’s always okay, and there’s no shame in taking help when and where you can get it. The point is that these things can work, and they’re all around you. If you took something in the past, there’s nothing wrong with that, but issues can still persist. These solutions are not known to really work, especially in the long-term. If you use medications, you may be stuck on them for the rest of your life. They cause more problems than they are worth, and they may not even help you to begin with. Plastic surgery is an obvious omission from this list because of it being an option of last resort. There’s no real reason to get it, and it’s just about finding the best possible solutions up to that point.

10 Ways to Deal With Body Image

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