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The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

Easter Bunny
Would you like to carry my egg and hold my balls?

The Testicle or testis (plural testes) is the male reproductive gland or gonad in all animals, including humans. It is homologous to the female ovary. The functions of the testes are to produce both sperm and androgens, primarily testosterone. Testosterone release is controlled by the anterior pituitary luteinizing hormone; whereas sperm production is controlled both by the anterior pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone and gonadal testosterone. I’m going to be listing the 10 amazing ways to keep your testicles healthy.

The testicles can be affected by all sorts of problems, including cancer, torsion, bruising, inflammation, swelling, etc. There are also ways to prevent use of the testicles, such as removal or vasectomy. Men who want to avoid the risk of having children will ask for a vasectomy. Those with animals, mostly dogs, will perform the removal on the canine once the dog has matured entirely (1 year of age). If you remove the testicles, sex drive will decrease unless given testosterone supplementation in it’s place. The ability to have children will is eliminated, and this is part of the reason why it’s done to certain domesticated animals (including unruly sex drive).

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

1. Don’t Hurt Them

Well, it depends, but I’m not so sure about that.

This one is simple enough, and it boils down to avoiding the wrong behavior. If you’re out and about, try not to intentionally damage your testicles. Don’t punch them, and try to avoid physically straining activities that can cause damage or pain to them. Psychosomatic pain is common, and if you feel pain, it can be sign of an issue. Even if you’re not in pain, it’s nice to have the reassurance that nothing is wrong.

Even if it’s obvious to you, it may require a little more thinking and reassurance, and some people just don’t know any better. Regardless, it’s something worthy of considering, even if sometimes it’s somewhat beyond our control. Be sure to plan ahead, because any number of things can cause damage to the testicle. It can hurt, but thankfully, they’re very resilient, even if they feel like grapes.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

2. Have a Good Diet

Does this remind you of anything?

Since testicular health is important, and it’s about function as much as it is about safety, diet is important. If you’re functional, in no pain, and are healthy, you’re good; they’re all essentially synonymous with each other. The thing you want is a balanced diet with as little sugar as possible. This is because sugar causes and feeds cancer, and carbs are bad because of their conversion to glucose. The problem is that many diseases can cause testicular issues, including obesity.

Antioxidant-rich foods include brightly colored organic vegetables like red, orange and yellow bell pepper, carrots, and sweet potato. Good fruits include organic tomatoes, grapes, berries, cherries, and pomegranate are highly crucial. Selenium is also an important antioxidant found in Brazil nuts, wild salmon, sardines, and shrimp. Be sure to get as many of your vitamins and minerals in your diet, because nutrition is key. It’s important for keeping your testicles healthy, let alone keeping them.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

3. Intermittent Fast

Well, at least I have one to offer.

The testicles are just as prone to fasting as any other organ in the body. This is because the entire body can benefit from fasting, in at least you’re not degrading function through a bad diet. The body, including the testicles, are affected by autophagy, where old and damaged proteins are removed from the body. If you have any of these on the testicles, it can help remove them. It can also reduce any inflammation on your testicles (which can then lead to cancer) and allow them to heal. This is because fasting has effective anti-cancer effects that are extremely powerful in more ways than one. This is because you’re starving the cancer, which relies on sugar to feed itself.

Based on the type of fasting performed, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays had the highest effect on the increase in testosterone. It was then followed by fasting every day for 36 days. Whereas the middle fasting month of the actually decreases testosterone levels compared to controls. There’s also some evidence showing that fasting reduced various side effects of chemotherapy in humans. Intermittent fasting has been shown to help prevent cancer in animal studies and some human studies. Research in humans showed that it can help reduce side effects caused by chemotherapy.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

4. Masturbate and Sex

Uh … maybe if you’re trying to milk your prostate.

If you use it, you’ll more than likely not lose it. Masturbation and sex are great ways to keep your testicles (and prostate) healthy. It’s not to say that it is a guarantee that you’ll be safe, especially if you overdo it, but it’s helpful nonetheless. This is less about cancer, and just about making sure that you don’t atrophy your “abilities.” Some people are more prone to problems than others to no fault of their own. Although, it is nice to know that it can help with prostate health, which can indirectly help the testicles (in many ways) as well. Ain’t that a nice thing to know that your testosterone can increase as well?

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

5. Supplements

Psst, I got something for you, and it’s even better than those other vasodilators.

There are plenty of supplements you can take to help with health related to your testicles. Be it your concern for testosterone boosts or anti-cancer help, you can find something on the market for it. Just remember to avoid overdoing it when it comes to supplements. You want to make sure that you’re getting the right ratios of nutrients. As long as you’re getting in your daily vitamins, you should be doing okay though.

It’s best to avoid consuming too much calcium (especially without potassium and vitamin K2), because this can lead to calcification that can lead to things such as cancer. As long as you’re getting vitamins A-K, iron, selenium, magnesium, potassium, etc, you should be doing just fine. You can also take take growth hormone releasers that can help without overdoing it and dealing with side-effects. The problem is that it’s just not enough sometimes, and this is why it’s important to keep track early.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

6. Exercise and Be Outside

Who said that a bald guy couldn’t get a rub from the chicks?

Exercise is good for your testicles … if you do it right. The thing with exercise is that it can help increase growth hormone and autophagy in the same ways that fasting can. Growth hormone can give you youth and health, while autophagy can help clean up damage and excess build-up. Just be sure to avoid planting your balls on a bike seat for too long, because that’s not good for you.

A new study shows that there may be an association between frequent, moderate exercise during the teen-age years and the development of testicular cancer later in life. Researchers claim that a rise in male hormone levels or testicular trauma could explain the increased risk. Although, you will lose weight, and it’s good for you to not have the excess sugar and fat lying around. That vitamin D from going outdoors is also helpful when it comes to avoiding cancer, too.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

7. Avoid Drugs

For some reason, I’m not quite sure that this is a good idea anymore.

While certain supplements are alright, doing drugs is not recommended. Hard drugs such as meth, cocaine, opioids, alcohol, nicotine (especially in cigarettes), and even steroids are not good for you. Not only can they cause negligence, they can create problems and nutritional deficiencies that can lead to problems later on. Not only will the effect testosterone production, they can damage the testicles directly. Substances like alcohol in particular are full of carbs and sugar, and as you know, sugar can cause cancer. The same can be said of carcinogens in cigarettes, which can lead to cancer to the testicles directly or indirectly.

Beyond this, you should avoid things like steroids and SARMS. While there are “safer” ways to use these drugs, not everyone is privy to them. It’ll still do damage no matter what, and you can end up not producing your own testosterone, your gonads being atrophied. Steroids can lead to heart problems, and it can lead to infertility, too. Drugs like testosterone that require injection are useful in the short-term for a testosterone boost; however, they can cause chronic issues later on, especially if you’re off of them. Injection or not, it’s best to only take them if you absolutely need them.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

8. Go to The Doctor

How bad does it look, baby?

Getting a yearly checkup or exam by going to the doctor is very important. While some may be fine, it’s still a nice preventative measure to make sure. Even if it does not necessarily mean that you’re entirely safe, it can be nice to go if you notice a problem. It’s also important to do a self-exam, which can be useful. It’s easy enough to spot inconsistencies on your own, but a doctor is more useful.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

9. Bathe Regularly

I guess that this is an option … you still have to bathe regularly.

Did you know that bathing can make a difference in your testicular health? Well, it’s obvious, because being clean has a lot of health implications. Be sure to take a shower or bath every day to keep your entire genital area clean. This reduces your risk of infections that can cause other complications. Keep your penis and scrotal area dry after bathing. Moisture trapped in the area can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. This way you can avoid conditions like epididymitis.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

10. Wear Protection and Proper Clothing

Sure, I guess that’ll work … style over substance.

Wearing looser clothing and a condom can obviously make a difference in your testicular health and groin-related health in general. Wearing a condom when doing any kind of sexual activity involving your penis is crucial. This helps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases that affect your scrotum and testicles (which can lead to other problems). Also, try to avoid wearing tight underwear and pants. Allow your scrotum to hang naturally from your body to help keep the scrotal temperature low and prevent injury. This is why it’s important to wear groin protection when you’re riding a bike or in a boxing match.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Testicles Healthy

There are plenty of ways to keep you and your testicles healthy. As long as you take the proper precautions, you should be fine and live a life without problems. The overwhelming majority of people never need a surgery down there, so be aware of that. Even if so, it does not mean that it’s cancer or has to be removed. With this in mind, be sure to know that any problems down there mostly come down to diet or STDs, so be sure to keep yourself safe.

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