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The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Best ways to improve your self-esteem.
I see the light!

Are you self-conscious or always worried about your performance? Are you acutely aware of how and what others think of you? Do you feel as though you lack the merit to get anything done? Are you keen to negative thinking and feel as though you lack any sort of affection? You’re probably struggling with something called low self-esteem, and heck, you may even be depressed. Yeah, you probably lack confidence as well, and from day to day assume the worst for yourself. Does it mean it’s true? No, but the more you think it, the more it becomes true internally. Just know that you can end up taking these negative thoughts too far. In the end, I want to list 10 of the best ways to improve your self-esteem.

It feels good to geel food, doesn’t it?

If you lack confidence, and walk around with a frown all the time, people will see, and some may even take advantage of it. See, you can become so adept at internalizing things, that it screws with your perspective. Your internal model relies on things like self-complexity to help you through your everyday. If you get caught in a cycle of seeing only black and white, you will become more habitual to the negative process. Your performance will be right behind your thoughts, and your so-called performance “issues” will follow this thinking to the gutter.

One of the Best Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem Is by Being Nice to Yourself

Don’t they say that kindness kills?

We all have times were we listen to ourselves, and the only thing we hear are negative judgments. We may even end up continuing to espouse these thoughts until we can no longer cope with it. The best thing you can do is to challenge your thoughts, and learn to react to them positively until they burden you no more. There will always be challenges and time where it seems tough, but it can always be improved.

I can’t wait for all of the clichéd platitudes about life coaching BS!

From this, learn to not react to your thoughts viscerally, and from there, create a new response. It’s all about changing your habits, so learn to upkeep and maintain yourself properly. All in this process, you end up clearing out negativity and replacing it with something better. Learn to be nice to yourself and otherwise from this therapeutic and cathartic form of self-help. Help yourself the way you’d help someone else, and so be it! Practice makes perfect, so get on the practice.

Be Yourself

I’m lookin’ right at meya!

It sounds easy enough, right? Although it probably sounds fairly vapid, vacuous and vague, allow me get to the point. Trust me, it’s tough, but it’s simple! It’s about measuring up to your own standards without trying to hard to be someone else and feeling as though you’re failing at it.

I knew it was coming… .

Trying to be someone else is always a sign of low esteem, and this kind of thinking further exacerbates it. Forget about the goals and achievements of others, they do you no good. Learn how to be self-satisfied, and focus on your goals so as to avoid the pressure. This pressure will only set you back, and on top of that, it’ll only hinder your ambition.

Rocky your way through the song, and you’ll feel the pump!

Heck, you can be the best, and you’ll be alright, but still, it’s not a great way to think in the long haul. This applies especially if you have insecurities and competition. It’s not to say you can’t still get by, it’s just about not allowing it to become an obsession.

Best Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem: Exercise and Moving Around!

I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m going there… .

You haven’t heard this one before, now have you? If you haven’t, then gain a clue, and if you have, well, no kidding, right? Here we go again: Exercise does wonders for your health! Be it mental or physical health, there are few better ways to help yourself.

Run, Fido, run!

It releases endorphins (feel good hormone), and allows for the better filtering of blood vessels throughout the body. Yeah, it may take some motivation to get out there, but anything counts, and it’s not that challenging all in all. Get used to it, and it’ll be your savior in the long run, literally.

Understand That Nobody Is Perfect

What does that say? It says “PERFECT.” What does that mean? I don’t even know.

Did you know that nobody is perfect? Is this too obvious for you? There is some nuance however, and it’s something that people may miss or not get. Most people may think they understand and/or see it this way, but they actually don’t. The deeper point being made is especially misunderstood, considering they don’t see the day to day flaws people fall into and make.

Hey, people will love you either way, right? Wait, am I supposed to lie to her? Yeah, well, people hate perfection as well.

The days of social media and media attention are here, and they almost solely look at the positive aspects of someone’s character. Very little emphasis is on the negative qualities or someone’s life. Although the negative is out there, it’s not enough, and we typically look at the positive in others, especially considering how insecure we are now and days. People have control of how others see them, and that’s alright. Try not to look past it, but realize that you’re great too. Others have flaws, and you don’t need their validation to notice. All it takes is a little bit of recognition, and there you have it.

Everyone Makes Mistakes

Write it down, and it shall go away!

Although this may seem like a further rehash of what was said before it, there are some distinctions here to justify a different point to make. Everyone makes mistakes, and these mistakes include the growing pains we all have to endure to achieve so-called perfection.

If you make a mistake, say it was on purpose. It always works, especially when nobody noticed.

Although it’s not perfect, and others may always seem ahead of you in one regard or the next, it’s not necessarily the case. Even if it were the case, it doesn’t mean you can’t achieve it and get better. Mistakes may obstruct along the way, and maybe even more so than others, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do the same thing or better. Give it time, and you will find your way. Realize that it isn’t about others, it’s about you, and once you grasp this, you’re on your way.

Focus on What You Can Change

Time to make a change, ch, cha, changes!

Look at the things you can change and not at the things you can’t. This is a typically useful philosophy, and can usually come in great handy. If you want to be a happier person, then look to yourself and within yourself. Sounds corny, right? Yeah, well, it is, but it has enough elements of truth to it that make enough sense to strike the meaning into you.

Everyone hates change, but it’s easier than you think.

Ignore the impossible, then look at the easier things you can change. After that, take a gander at the more difficult challenges, then reexamine the silly out of reach challenges again. What do they mean now? Finding the easier things as a gateway makes the progress you will make all that much easier. Give it a go! Don’t lose your will or motivation.

Best ways to improve your self-esteem…

Do the Things That Make You Happy

Spray me!

Every day should have time allotted for something you want to do. If you end up doing things you want, you’ll more likely be happy and successful. If you are happy, you’ll be successful and vice versa, which all leads to happiness. All roads lead to happiness (whatever that may be) as long as you take the right initial turn on the road to it.

Don’t folly too graciously, because you may in fact fall for it.

Filling up your days will not only keep you busy, but also guided. Having a routine will always give you a head-start in beginning your everyday. Doing “you” time is a necessity in bringing about a more positive atmosphere in your life. Be it cooking, cleaning, or anything for that matter — make sure to set the time aside. Now follow that yellow brick road!

Celebrating the Small Things Is one of the Best Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Butterflies are cool!

Are you always looking too far ahead at the goals that sometimes seem all too far out of hand? Yeah? Well, try to start looking at things a little closer to you. Looking at the small victories in life can make all the difference in your day by day living. Small things count just as much as the large ones, and that’s not just what she said, but what she meant.

What do I do, babe? I work a 9-5. Yeah, that’s right! I’m a hard workin’ man.

If something sucked today, and your day began poorly, go for a walk or even meditate to help clear your mind. Settle into a routine daily that consists of several small tasks that you can tie directly into your regular routine. Doing those small things and reveling in their victories for simply accomplishing them will help. Why do you think people have hobbies or work? Exactly, because it gets the job done!

Be Kind to Others

Yeah, well, good luck there, pal!

You’ve heard about the old time saying about helping folks and they’ll help you. Hey, it’s even called the golden rule in the Bible. Will you scratch my back if I scratch yours? You get the idea, right? Helping others will help you in the end, and nothing feels better than a back rub!

Dern Bible thumper!

When you help someone it can also release endorphins, and this in turn creates a feedback mechanism that helps you feel useful. Not only this, you can also feel good seeing how you have affected someone else positively. Hey, they may even help you in return later on, so it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Yeah, read the sign…

Feeling useless is the major setback with low self-esteem, so it’s a good way to feel better about yourself. Seeing someone else struggling just as much as you may be a wake up call. Helping turn that frown upside down gives a certain spark to you and them. Learn to give, and the give will help you learn to keep on giving!

Surround Yourself with Good People

Aw, ain’t that sweet.

Having a good support group is ideal when struggling with low self-esteem. It’s also ideal in any other circumstance. If you have a problem making the right friends or friends at all, standing up for yourself helps a lot. You don’t need the constant and preposterous ire of the wrong people, you want the constructive help of the right ones.

Don’t go beggin’ for help.

Yes, it’d be better if you already had those friends, but you can make them too. Don’t fear letting go off useless people you only call your friends. If you can’t even call them a friend, then what’s the point? Exactly, the idea is to dissociate from those people entirely. It isn’t that difficult to find a support squad of folks who’re willing to help, be it friends or acquaintances. You most likely don’t won’t want those who trigger negative thinking around you. Hey, it’s better than carrying a cumbersome load upon your shoulders, right?

Now you can see the light from my point of view!

Do you see the light now with the best ways to improve your self-esteem?

There you have it! These are some of the best ways to improve your self-esteem. Just realize that you are better than you think, and if you need work, you can always get better. You don’t need to be the best at anything, and if you are — great! In the end, who cares about other people. They’re not worth your time well spent doing otherwise. Knowing that regardless of anyone else, it stems from within! Try to not think about others, because it obviously doesn’t help you anyway. Learn to think differently; this will help you dearly in the end.


  1. Being nice is being nice to yourself… .
  2. Be yourself, express yourself, and beat up the beat up yourself.
  3. Do some jumping jacks or take a walk: Move around!
  4. Nobody be is perfect.
  5. Miistakes are made all over the plaace.
  6. Change what you can change.
  7. If you like it, then give it a go!
  8. If it’s small, it’s worth your time.
  9. Be kind to others, and heck, they’ll be kind to you.
  10. Surround yourself with a cult of personality.
  11. Do I see “happy”?

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I’m smilin’!

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