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The Amazing Ways to Avoid Getting Sick With Coronavirus

Damn! How an I expected to bowl with this thing? It’s making me sick!

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

Getting and staying healthy is always something to consider, but it’s a lot of trial, error and effort. It takes a lot to get off on your feet to simply stay healthy. While it’s true, many of the things you must do to stay healthy aren’t anything but avoiding the bad. It often isn’t always a must, it’s simply a “can.” Irrespective of this, I want to list below seven ways to not get sick from coronavirus. This is how you should be able to avoid Covid-19 with these coronavirus updates and cures.

Don’t get sick, and if you can — wear a mask! It doesn’t make you look weak or take away your freedoms.

Be sure to know what you’re getting yourself into. (It’s best that you avoid any antimalarial drugs [Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in particular] if you were to somehow get your hands on them.) Always consult with you doctor before taking any medication or making any diagnosis.

You can do it until you can’t!

With horrible illnesses to the likes of coronavirus (Covid-19) floating around, you’re going to want to avoid getting sick. I’m going to list below 7 simple steps you can take to stay as healthy as humanly possible. Like other articles, please, consult with a doctor, especially if you think you could be sick. Don’t take my word for it!

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Nice to meet you, squirt!

A Good Way to Not Get Sick with Coronavirus Is to Stay Clean

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

You want to avoid sickness, yeah? Good! You also want your loved ones to stay safe, right? Yeah? The first step is to stay clean. Staying clean means washing your hands and being generally hygienic. This can mean staying clear of people to using soap and hand sanitizer after every interaction with others. This one isn’t all that hard, just make sure to bathe, wash, and maintain the mindset without taking it too much for granted.

Well, staying clean involves more than consent.

Along with this little tidbit of information, you should avoid contact with your face. You’ve probably been hearing this one a lot on the news recently, and it’s true. Avoiding contact with your face helps, especially if you’re in the presence of someone else. They recommend this too, even if you’ve washed your hands and are home. No matter what though, mask on or not, you’re not going to avoid sickness if your hands are touching everything. If you touch everything, then touch your face, you’re more likely to get sick. If you’re looking to best avoid the disease, considering a second wave may be coming soon (especially in the United States during flu season), you should avoid ventilated buildings where large groups of people congregate. This should be avoided at all costs, and if not, avoided as much as possible. It is said that indoors is the easiest way to come into contact with the disease (which makes perfect sense).

And they told me that my mind was a sickness.

These masks people are walking around wearing can help and hurt you. They help by you helping you avoid touching vital orifices such as the mouth; however, they do little to help otherwise. If anything, they may help mask the disease from you. The mask may then capture moisture over your nose and mouth, allowing the disease to particulate easier into your system. (This may or MAY NOT be true, [considering the need for doctors and nurses to use them] just be sure to clean your garb regularly.) This, of course, depends on the mask in use.

Facts are facts!

If you use an n95 Mask, you’ll be better and more justifiably protected. These masks are better left not hoarded and saved for those who need them most. It’s still recommended you wear a mask in public to follow public guidelines related to lock-down. Since many are avoiding masks for the wrong reasons, considering others is key. Since Covid-19 is considerably contagious and particulates in aerosol form, it’s recommended to wear a mask and gloves, especially in public; anything helps. It can stick to surfaces as well, and in particular metal for up to 3 days, so be careful. Asymptomatic carriers are everywhere (especially children and young adults), including possibly yourself, so be mindful of this.

They didn’t say that I couldn’t stick my hand in my mouth though.

Folks everywhere are recommending washing your hands as much as possible. If anything, you should just lock yourself in the bathroom and avoid all the hand washing! Otherwise, just sit next to a bathroom all day and way your hands twenty times plus for twenty seconds a piece. Keep hand sanitizer close or in your car to have on hand! Do this as you get back from touching everything at a gas station or grocery store. You’ll thank yourself in the end for it.

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Follow these guys, just not too closely.

Another Good Way to Not Get Sick with Coronavirus Is to Avoid Close Contact

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

Yes, Mr. Obvious I am, but I must list the obvious to get to the core. The core makes all the difference, and contains those little nuggets of fascinating truth that can surely help and convince you. Yes, keep a safe distance from anyone, including relatives and friends. You know this, right? Yeah, but you still may overlook this as the context shifts when you go from walking a relative distance in the grocery store back to the house. Be wary, and pay attention, because this could easily be overlooked.

They said my loved ones would be the most affected so I hugged then avoided them.

Just because you’re related to someone, family or otherwise, doesn’t mean you can’t get sick. It also means that they can’t be sick. Incubation periods range, and a sickness can lay dormant for as long as your immune system can stay strong. The spread of a disease starts when incubation begins, and this time can last for up to two weeks. These two weeks may have no symptoms at all, and you can be spreading the illness everywhere. After this, a virus can attack you, looking for any opening for as long as possible.

Spread it, baby, you know you like!

In addition to all this hype, avoid sharing food with others. I mean, you can avoid avoiding it, but only if you want to avoid possible sickness being spread. This is obvious if you’re sick, but you don’t always know how much to avoid, yet you can know you’re avoiding too much. It’s best to avoid travel if possible, and to self-quarantine even if you’re not sick. Go on lock down and make it cool, so once it’s all over, you’re the guy to go to!

I’m down with the sickness, yo! So steer clear.

Avoiding too much is a safe bet, and no double dipping. If you suspect tampered food, intentional as well, avoid it at all costs. Eat from home, food you have cooked, and even try frozen food. If you cook it, you know only you have touched it once germs have been burned off from the cooking process. Stay strong, and you’ll get through this! Don’t share food, or drinks, and you should be fine.

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Hmm, well, I suppose you can say health was second to bad news.

Another Great Way to Not Get Sick with Coronavirus Is to Eat Healthy

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

Eating healthy doesn’t mean eat too much, or silver solution or excessive garlic in your soup. Also, you may want to avoid consuming bleach, because you’ll end up with a worse problem than the one you’re already trying to avoid. Now that I’ve pointed out the not so obvious, let’s get to the meat of the marrow here: avoiding sugar and excessive carbohydrates.

You know I eat you any day of the week.

If you want to be healthy, along with exercise below, life style choices are a means to an end. These novelties will do little in creating existential crisis if you exercise them properly! While it’s not always a one time decision, it should become one, and it may only be a one time occasion. If it is, you’re not doing it right. Also, don’t expect a miracle cure, because you’re not going have one. This will make it easier though, so be sure to temper your expectations.

My eggs are a prized possession in most countries down under.

Eating little calories, losing weight are a part of this as well. Eating well, having low expectations, and setting goals is key. If you do this, and notice your weight going down, this will additionally help your mind set going in. All of these things help, but be sure to eat a well balanced diet.

If you eat what’s coming to you, you can eat all day and gain nothing.

A ketogenic diet is a great start, and beyond that, intermittent fasting is a great way to improve immune function. Eat your greens and get some protein. Much of this depends on your extraneous goals as well. If you want to gain muscle or simply stay lean, it’s up to you. If you want, eat some fruits, although fruits are less than ideal. They are more of a food group to indulge in if you must have some sort “healthier” substitute.

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Make sure to stick in the right place, right time.

Self-Check Up (Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

I would never imply to say that you should only lazily check yourself, but I would. This doesn’t mean to trust yourself in place of medical care. It also doesn’t mean to not go to a doctor! Of course it doesn’t mean this, it just means keep an eye on yourself. Check for symptoms, stay clean, check body signs and so on.

If it looks bad, just don’t remind me. I’ll just look in the mirror tomorrow.

Don’t take it too far though, because you don’t want to become too health conscious and become a hypochondriac. If you think you’re sick, go to a doctor, and if anything, call in if you can and explain your symptoms. It could save you money, a long wait, and added risk, especially if happen to not be sick.

Why can’t I get my knees to move? I mean, it looks easy at the doctor’s office, so why can’t I do it here?

This could also mean get your yearly check up and vaccinations. You may not always get sick, but it’s up to you to access the risk involved for you. I’d recommend for it, but you may just end up fine without it. You can also take supplements to help with your immune function, but before you do, consult with a medical professional that knows your history before doing so.

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Run for fever 2020!

Exercise (Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

This is another obvious one, and it doesn’t take much effort. If you want to stay healthy, you should exercise. If you exercise, you’ll do just that as well as increase immune system function. When your immune system is strengthened, you’ll have a much easier time fighting the illnesses that could harmfully attack you and your health. If you’re lucky, you won’t get anything at all, but don’t count on it.

Typing fast will not make you lose weight. How do I know? I know because I’m the one who came up with the idea.

Be sure to stay safe anyway, because it’s best to not risk it for you and others anyway. You must first have a strong immune system too, and if you don’t know it, don’t rely on it. Work on doing what you can anyway, because this always helps.

Also, online discretionary fluid discharge isn’t considered an exercise, even when forearms are in possible use. Don’t be creative, be free.

Don’t fret, because you can start low then aim high. You don’t have to exercise often, but it’s recommended. Start low and slow, then go from there; getting a short stroll in going down the street is good enough to begin with. Mindset and endorphin release are a large part of exercise coming in such handy.

She said she loved me, but she was playing sock puppets with her bare hands.

If you exercise, you’ll feel better, therefore reducing your daily stress. If you do this, your immune system will be less compromised in the long and short term. Endorphins are feel good chemicals released under the duress of exercise, so try and release them from their cell. You’ll appreciate it in the end, so give it a try! Make it a part of your daily routine, making it that much more productive for you and your health.

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Yes, this is the proper way to sleep!

Sleep Is Another Good Way to Not Get Sick with Coronavirus

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

I’m going to keep this one to two paragraph, because it’s just that simple. Getting enough sleep is crucial to staying healthy and making everything else count in the end. If you go through your day without enough sleep, you risk stressing yourself out more. This doesn’t come in handy, especially if you have a busy schedule, but it’s needed. Look into making the change, because it’s easy peasy, Willis! Just spend those extra hours sleeping instead of worrying, and you’ll be more productive in the end.

ZZZ top or bottom, hmm?

It may be harder to maintain, but whatever lack of sleep you may be getting is worth compromising your schedule for. It shouldn’t take much because it’s worth it in the end, and it probably only requires an additional hour. Beyond this, any additional sleep helps, even if you can only get another hour. Look into creating a small change to get that necessary sleep in. The average daily recommended amount of sleep varies, but typically averages between 7-9 hours a day. You can also look into lunch time micro naps.

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Behind the mask, you can tell that he’s a happy kind of fellow.

Healthy Habits And Mindset (Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

You’re just about to be foreclosed on your house, you can’t afford the mortgage, your wife/husband left you, and you just lost custody of your children. Now, what can you do to make this better? Yes, you can quit smoking, and pretty much doing everything you don’t want to do in a time of crisis. Will it work? Well, it may take some time and getting use to, but you’ll get the hang of it. Since this sickness spreads like aerosol, you have to maintain distance is all, so get used to it.

Mind over what matters. Yeah, you don’t matter, you just don’t care.

Yes, things like smoking and drinking pertain to health, but these are habituated activities that take place for the wrong reasons. Yes, there is a time and place, but change that around and make some alterations. I’m not telling you to quit, but to lessen the exacerbating blow it takes on your health. No, drinking alcohol won’t help clean your insides out, and even if it did, the repercussions of it would outweigh the positives. Imagine all those half eaten chicken breasts your try tenderizing that night!

I can only take some much of what is in you in doh!

Yes, smoking certain stuff is fine, but cut down on that as well. I’m mainly talking about cigarettes, and even nicotine vapes. They’re both bad for your immune health and pretty much everything else. Not only this, ditch your typical attire and be a little more health conscious. Maybe carry around leather, where disease is less transferable because of ease of cleaning.

I was told it’d blow my mind, and holy moly, it sure did.

One more big thing: avoid a negative attitude! I’ve mentioned this before and will again! If you want to stay healthy, mindset is key, and this is mentioned throughout this article. Keep yourself in check and lock down, and learn to know yourself better. Meditate a little if you have to, and give yourself a smile from time to time. This simple act of altering your face will help reaffirm positivity and keep your healthier.

Positivity isn’t a word in my dictionary! I mean, it isn’t. If you look here you can see I haven’t written it down yet.

Nothing is an end all be all, but it all adds up to make a 100 percent difference. If you can’t do it for yourself, try to consider others and do it for someone else. Empathy is key to the path of empowerment.

(Coronavirus Updates and Cures)

Be creative when trying to avoid getting down with the sickness.

(Ways to not get sick with coronavirus)

As you can see, staying healthy and avoiding sickness involves little to no effort. If it does, then you’re not doing it right, even if that is half the battle! The gist of it being to stay away from everyone, hope for the best, and think that all is going to be okay. It works, and it is going to be okay! Right? Right!

I thought it was the end. I thought it was my time! Then someone cut in line and made me wait again.

Now go out, and stay in your house and keep to yourself. For real though, if you are sick, don’t go out, especially if you can afford it. Self-quarantine, and stay healthy. Also, don’t spend $50 on a pint of hand sanitizer. It’s not worth it, trust me!



  1. Stay clean and be mean, don’t take no for an answer, and get in there!
  2. Avoid close contact with even the ones who deserve you most.
  3. Eat what won’t eat you, and you’ll stay in the clear around here.
  4. Keep an eye on vitality, and keep in contact with necessity.
  5. Exercise with no extra fries, and you’ll be free to lies.
  6. Sleep and count the Z with Little Bo Peep.
  7. Keep your mind out of the gutter so you must not clean it.
  8. Clear!

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