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Guaranteed Ways to Be Successful on Social Media

(How to Be Social Media Famous)
Bob: “What’re you reading?”
Bill: “Oh, it’s nothing… oh, hey, Ash!”

Bob: “I can’t read that text.”

(How to Be Social Media Famous)

Social media is a gift and a curse, and there is no denying it. Social media platforms are internet and mobile technologies for interactive social networking. Be it with family or friends and sharing memes or personal updates and stories — they’ve got it all. It’s no secret that it has been useful, but it also has been a giant pain in the you know what.

Blaze A Blaze

There are plenty of problems stemming from the advent of online intercourse, and social media is one of them. I mean, how many of your friends have claimed that they’re going to take a long hiatus from Facebook? It’s not to say that it’s all devils and pitchforks, but it has it’s downsides. I’ve addressed this in another one of my articles, so we’ll leave it at that. Below I’m going to list some of the guaranteed ways to be successful on social media. You do want to become social media famous, right?

Yeah, social media sucks, but if you have to use it, I’ll be sure to help you.

You’ve got Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, SnapChat, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Tumblr and more. What do they all have in common? Right, they’re all social media platforms waiting to take you in for good. Do you want to stay relevant or get relevant? Do you want those likes, views and comments? Does your ego need easing, and does your mind need dopamine? If you’re looking for success online, you have to earn brownie points with your peers. Being “woke” and holding popular opinions is a guaranteed way to help. Gaining clout and recognition are a part of it, and so aren’t the things to gain. If you happen to find a pattern of dissatisfaction with your following, it’s probably because you’re not doing the right thing. It may take some digging and hard work, but it can pay off in the end.

How does it feel to be real on Facetime with Facebook?

“Well then, define success,” you say. Isn’t it pretty obvious? Okay, well, when I say success, I mean “success” generally. If success to you is simply doing what you’re doing, maybe it’s good enough. Maybe you’re doing everything right already, and maybe it’s all working out. Maybe it’s not and you need an extra push to keep going. I do have a more pointed meaning though, and it means being more successful than you are now. If you want maximum success, you have to put in the effort and concede some personal choices. This goes especially if you’re not following the following rules. Otherwise, you’re already in good shoes walking the path you’re already walking.

(How to Be Social Media Famous)

I know, I know, we’ve been here before.

Don’t Post Negative Posts (How to Be Social Media Famous)

Yeah, when you think of social media, the first thing that comes to mind is probably Facebook.

If this one wasn’t obvious enough, you should avoid negative posts. Being negative on any form of social media is likely to do you any real good. The same goes for knowing your audience and what they might react to. If you’re looking to appeal to a wide array of people, good people and the right ones for you, know who you’re appealing to. Don’t post things that condone extremism, unless in fact you’re looking for that response, but you’re not very likely to be popular doing so.

Negate negativity by showing puppy pics as often as humanly possible. It’s a good way to leash them in… get it…?

Extremism can always push people away, but this goes to perceptions of popularity, broad appeal and so on. You never know what can please someone until you put it out there. Although, you can always have a general understanding of what may pass as reasonable behavior. You can find being “extreme” can be useful, especially when it’s popular opinion. General appeal helps, but as long as it’s not entirely bad. Beyond the philosophical quandary of understanding all of these deceptive possibilities, negativity is generally just bad news for no views.

I’m glad you know what you’re doing here, mam!

To finish off, you should also know your audience. Audiences are specific, so reviewing your audience can help you ascertain what works and doesn’t. Allowing others to give feedback lets them know you care and will listen. Being too defensive will only draw others away, so be sure to keep track of external perceptions. Beyond this, be sure to nail down pain points and survey friend and customer support. All you have to do is ask the right questions to understand the other person, so try some empathy.

Avoid Being A Troll (How to Be Social Media Famous)

YouTube is number one when it comes to anonymous trolls. You know, because of the anonymity.

Even if you think you’re not trolling, sometimes you could be coming off that way. It doesn’t always matter your intention unfortunately, so be mindful of this. You may be getting attention, but it’s not the attention you’re looking for. If it is, you probably need to re-evaluate and understand what trolling is. Trolling is the act of going on someone’s post and looking to stir up negative attention by causing problems. An example of trolling would be starting a “flame war”, i.e, insulting someone in their comment section for the sake of making them look bad. This ends up turning the entire comment section into something not on topic, the intention of the troll. You probably don’t want trolling to tarnish your reputation online.

Troll me, baby, troll me. I’ll come out from under your bridge, if you come out from under mine. *wink, wink*

Slander and libel have long been part of online discourse, especially on YouTube. While it may be the status quo to occasionally be trolled, “trolls” as you’d call them can pay dearly. When you’re on the wrong side of a troll, it seems like they always get away with shite. Regardless, you don’t want to troll, because it can get you in trouble, anonymous or not; you won’t be for long. They will find you, and they will kill the troll. You can be held legally responsible for trolling, especially when it involves false defamation of character. Public hubs like YouTube have decided to make users more responsible by stripping anonymity. Along with this, help users secure their own accounts to prevent sock accounts from being created.

Lawsuits can be made, and if you care about your reputation, you will not troll.

All in all, you want to avoid trolling and be self-aware enough to understand what can be seen as overt trolling. You can’t please everyone, so don’t worry, just do your best to recognize yourself. Drawing reasonable lines and respect are the best ways to get it in return, at least the right kind of attention. Hey, if you end up trolling my accident, you’ll likely be forgiven. If not, you’ll be okay in the end. If you are trying to troll (hopefully for good reason) you may find a few lost souls into it, but then it kind of wouldn’t be trolling, right? Not necessarily, but Keep an eye on how you interact with others, and you should be fine. At least make the trolling credible, for good reason, and clever.

Having Additional Separate Accounts and Joining Alternatives (How to Be Social Media Famous)

What did he call that other guy? Oh, yeah, Mr. Tweety Bird!

Maybe a large part of your issue (if you happen to have one) is that you haven’t broadened your horizons. When you go online with the intention of getting popular or internet famous is to spread your seed firmly across the spectrum. You should be choosing from the best platforms, especially ones suited more towards you. You have a multitude of options ranging from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to Pinterest, YouTube and Tumblr. The list goes on, and you have all of these options at your fingertips, literally. Be sure to choose the overall best platforms, especially ones suited for you. Think about who needs the product/service, and who the main competitors are pertaining to you.

You have to keep them separated… .

Identifying your goals is imperative to having success online. Specificity helps, and with this, measuring and identifying goals does as well. If you let others know exactly what it is you’re stating, you’ll get more responses. While generalities may seem like the better option, it really depends. However, if you want meaningful engagement, it helps to let people know specifics. Internally, you should be keeping your goals attainable without overreaching and losing your morale and motivation. Keeping the right state of mind is crucial to making your way to success. Relevance is essential too, and if you want those views, you have to keep the material you share timeless for the long run.

Don’t Be Afraid to Friend the Right People (How to Be Social Media Famous)

Thanks, I’ll be sure to get back with you shortly… .

Going out of your way to initiate “friendships” online isn’t a problem. Maybe you met them in person, and that’s even better. If you want to gain an audience of quality you have to friend folks and gain followers. This typically requires you to share or create posts and follow like minded folks. Engaging in an audience is your key to success. You have to have a following first, engage them, then learn to engage with people you want. This creates a rippling effect that’ll draw in more views, likes, or whatever it may be. Don’t be a “spews for more views” kind of person, because lies can catch up. Try to create a reputation of honesty and reliability among your peers.

Totally, my friend. Did you know that a friend of a friend is a step friend? Also, friends who know other friends are mutual friends, my fren.

Wooing your influences also helps. If you’re on Twitter, be sure to share and impress those whom you’re looking for help from. Share a post with a nice opinion or create something unique to gain respect. Part of gaining success is knowing your audience and network sharing. If you want to get big, be sure to reach out to dynamos to help reach their audience. Extend offers as a way of “scratching their back in return” for a request of help you may have. If you learn to cooperate, you’ll earn hardcore points for your future interactions. Lastly, monitor those you wish to mimic, so you know what gave them success. It’s not all that hard, it just takes some fine tuning. Don’t worry, all of this stuff comes naturally with time.

Interaction and Respect

I’m glade you now how to spill. #uanme

Yeah, interaction is key, and if you aren’t afraid of this, you’ll likely succeed. Be it a business, or simply trying to get peers to like your daily meme posts, you’ve got to give to get. Employing a qualified manager is always useful, as this helps with organization. Are you afraid to ask for help? Learning to be confident helps these transactions take place with ease. Since learning how to learn is the best route of action, so learn how to gain the confidence next. Beyond this, learning great strategic, organization and branding skills is key. As long as you take a step-by-step approach, things should go your way. Lastly, know how to label and describe yourself because this will help guarantee you’ll be good in the long run.

Hey, make sure to leave a “like” on my page, guys. I’ll be sure to return the favor. 😉

Growing your audience is another way you can make sure your popularity rises. This is a no-brainer, considering that this kinda what you’re trying to do to begin with. Keeping your current “customers” happy and satisfied is crucial. If you don’t keep them satisfied, you can lose folks, especially ones swaying on the fence. You can lose reputation too, and this will in turn lose your ability to gain a following. Be sure to regularly update, keep material interesting and valuable by being “vogue.” Having regulars helps, considering you want at least a certain amount of people to follow you, period. Be a good person, and you’ll likely have all of this fall into place.

Strategize How to Use the Algorithm (How to Be Social Media Famous)

Now go and give someone a rash… I mean’t to say hashtag. Hash this on your hash-pipe!

Showing consistency and taking part in trends is a surefire way to become a hit on the Facebooks. Listen, write and curate additional content to keep track of trends that’ll garner more attention. If you want to grab the attention of your viewers or soon to be viewers, you’ve got to be regular. showing content that has a specific niche among broader appeal will certainly help in gaining views. Using hashtags is a major part of spreading your message to others with a similar message. In addition, use links to personal pages, tag friends in posts, and be sure to respond and interact.


Generally speaking, you want to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely in your approach. Did you make it clear the subject you’re speaking about? Precision is key, so make sure to avoid being vague, e.g., guide with an anchored subject. You want to expound on a subject, but only if you have to. Don’t go on rants or diatribes, and be concise — it’s extremely useful. If you’re not on point and follow loosely, you’ll lose the reader fast. Relevance is major key too, because if it’s about something that happened years ago in a vacuum, folks are less likely to be concerned.


If you’re looking for views, yeah, you’ll get them, but you won’t necessarily get the likes. Views are engaged with more views, and with algorithm now, all sorts of things are picked up. It’s not up to me, so don’t get upset you may have to dumb down to get views. What they recommend on YouTube is sporadic cuts to file down the size of a video. This is to keep the video cut, especially if there’re long pauses to keep the attention of viewers. This can also translate to ads, length of video, and how this can effect your view numbers. It can always go down to micromanaging, but it’s typically inconsequential. The idea is to lather, rinse and repeat. Evolve and adapt to the environment online, and this will keep you afloat. If you continue to follow these steps, you’ll find success.

Advertise Your Business Page

Okay, I’m still waiting… . I mean, I did put a dollar a day down.

Did you know that you can pay for ads online. You name it: Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc, have advertising possibilities. You’ll have to pay, and it may not be ideal, but it’ll get your message to a wider audience. “You get you what you pay for” as they say, and you do. You can even personalize the advertisements and who they’ll appear to. This can apply to posts, pages, or any number of different things you’d like. The options are different depending on the website, but they all have the option to some degree. They’re generally not too far off, so once you know one, you’ll probably know another well enough. They typically come with weekly to monthly plans, so be sure to be cautious of what you’re paying for.

I’ll add you, you and you, then I’ll make an ad to advertise my adding of you all.

Marketing is a good way to keep those who you’re trying to appeal to engaged. Let folks take part in contests or personal interaction to make them further find interest in the content you upload and create. If you have multiple pages, make sure to share each one of them on your page, invite your friends, and have them help with the sharing. Let people know how little you have of something to help you create more sales, etc. Organic views and so on are the best, but if you can’t, it’s not bad to opt for paid ads. It really just depends on what you want and your needs require given the circumstance.

We already ran out, friend. Oh, wait, I’m supposed to say that we’re ALMOST out?

If you measure your follows, you’ll be in line for the winning. Keep track and respond to comments, like and shares. If you understand what your friends and followers enjoy, you’ll know what content to continue using. If you interact, interaction gives the idea that you care and engage with concern in return. Create a sales funnel by harvesting and understanding the clicks you’ve received. Understanding the metrics of who clicked what and why is always useful. In addition to all of this, keep track of leads and downloads that have helped. All you have to do is keep track using the marketing manager on each site.

Really? Thanks for the truth serum, Sherlock!

How to Be Social Media Famous

Hey, did you understand? If you did, you’re one step closer to being a booming success online, especially on social media. If you follow just one of these things, you’ll be more successful. Keeping it going and following them all will ensure “fire” success, as the zoomers (Generation Z) would say. Go ahead, give them a go, and if you are already, good, refine your experience. All it takes is one easy step, and you’re on your way to sweeping change. As they say, “The dominoes will start dropping.” If they don’t, just give them a little extra push!

“Is This Your Account?”:

  1. Be negative, get negative.
  2. Get out from under the bridge, you troll!
  3. You have to be accountable for what you post, so get with it!
  4. The only thing to fear is having the wrong friends.
  5. Interaction is the key to success!
  6. Strategic thinking becomes handy in the long run. #strategy
  7. Hey, advertising can give you a bump in recognition.
  8. #enddonefincomplete!

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How to Be Social Media Famous

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