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The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

Breasts and Boobs
A boob a day keeps the doctor away.

The breast is one of two prominences located on the upper ventral region of the torso of primates. In females, it serves as the mammary gland, which produces and secretes milk to feed infants. Both females and males develop breasts from the same embryological tissues. At puberty, estrogens, in conjunction with growth hormone, cause breast development in female humans and to a much lesser extent in other primates. Breast development in other primate females generally only occurs with pregnancy. Since we’ll mostly be addressing female breasts here, I wanted to make it clear. These are the 10 amazing ways to keep your breasts healthy.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

1. Diet Healthy

A good diet is a good diet … minus the gas.

     A healthy diet is always important when it comes to cancer or other problems of the body. The diet you choose to have can be the difference between you and cancer. With the breasts, this is especially the case because of their lability to risks such as cancer. Although, just because they’re prone to it, does not mean that a diet will help, at least if it’s not healthy enough.


     Since breasts are a product of estrogen, making them prone to problems (although it does not always mean it). The diet is all the same, and it includes getting your veggies in, red fruits and vegetables, etc. A good diet will have healthy fats, all of your vitamins and minerals, no processed foods, and other important factors. It’s okay to be a little lenient, but it’s best to avoid it, and it’s quite easy. You just have to avoid the excuses. You’ll be skinny and full because of it, and the calories make all the difference, too. 

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

2. Intermittent Fast

You brought me here to tell me that I can’t eat the breasts?

I don’t really need to mention this one, because it’s abundantly obvious. If you fast, you will reduce your risk of cancer exponentially. The less you eat, the more you give your body time to rest and relax. It’s a time of detox, and it’ll recycle damaged proteins through autophagy and HGH production. With healthy levels in mind, you’ll find that cancer can easily be eliminated. It can also be even more easily prevented. The same thing applies to the breasts, so be sure to make it a routine to intermittent fast with some prolonged fasting. Even though most people don’t really fast or fast for the right reasons, it’s worth any pain to get it done.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

3. Take Supplements

So, this is the lump they found?

There are plenty of supplements on the market that can get you in shape for breast health. The supplements won’t make any life-altering differences, but they can certainly help you reach them. In the long-run, if you take supplements, they can help you reach your goals. Along with healthy lifestyle choices, you’ll finally reach your destinations, at least if they’re somewhat reasonable. Be sure to get all of your vitamins, minerals, and nutrients with any additional supplements. A healthy diet can help you retrieve the supplementation from the tablets you take them in. As long as you take the basics, you should be fine.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

4. See a Doctor

What’s up, doc?

This one is pretty simple, and all it involves is seeing a doctor if problems occur. Even if you don’t sense problems, it’s important to make sure that you’re safe in the name of prevention. Making sure to get a checkup at least once a year is always preferable. This can also include checking your breasts for lumps that should not be there. If you did not think that it was simple enough, it’s here to make sure that you understand it even more.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

5. Stay a Healthy Weight

Is it healthy to stand on a scale?

Being sure to keep or attain a(n) healthy weight is important when trying to avoid breast problems, including cancer. As mentioned, the best ways to achieve this is by exercising and dieting, such as cardio and ketogenic dieting. Women who are overweight or obese after menopause have a 30-60 percent higher breast cancer risk than those who are lean. The best way to figure out if you’re at a healthy weight is to calculate your body mass index (BMI). Even BMI isn’t a perfect measure since we come in all shapes and sizes, but it’s better than weight alone since it takes height into account, too. Did I also mention that stress does not help with breasts and weight? Avoid stress if you can, just know that losing weight is a healthy and compensating stress.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

6. Protect Them

Well, at least you have protection … for everyone, right?

Wearing protection like a bra is highly important. The female breast is a secondary female characteristic, and it’s also highly estrogenic. Being on the exterior of the body, the breast is exposed and prone to damage, especially because of it’s fatty and estrogenic properties. While most women wear bras already, it’s important to know just how important it is to wear a bra. Even if it feels freeing to not wear one, you should know that it’s occasionally necessary (to wear one) to avoid the pain. Bra or not, be sure that you’re protecting your breasts from damage. The only difference is that it’s much easier to protect them if you’re wearing the right clothing.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

7. Avoid Drug Abuse

Did you just spell out life with cocaine? Are you snorting your life away?

Drugs are never good for you, and this includes things like alcohol and cigarettes. While nicotine is not necessarily bad in this regard, the carcinogens in cigarettes are. This, along with alcohol and other illicit drugs, can cause grave issues for your health (directly or indirectly through negligence and so forth). Researchers looked at a bunch of different studies and found that for each alcoholic drink consumed per day, the relative risk of breast cancer increased about 7 percent. Drinking in moderation may be okay, but try to limit yourself to less than one drink a day (less than 2 drinks a day for men).

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

8. Exercise

You have to go a little further down.

  Exercise is extremely important when it comes to physical health. The benefits are numerous and include protection from cancer and other problems that may arise, including obesity. Regular exercise appears to lower breast cancer risk by 10-20 percent. The American Cancer Society recommends 2.5 hours of physical activity a week to lower overall cancer risk. What you do doesn’t need to be intense or time-consuming. Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, biking short distances instead of driving or parking farther away when you drive to the store can make a difference.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

9. Use Them

Don’t you hate it when you see this shite in public?

 For the new, soon-to-be, and someday-mothers out there, there’s one more thing you can do to reduce your breast cancer risk. You may have heard that breastfeeding is good for babies, but did you know it has benefits for mothers too? One of those benefits: a lower risk of breast cancer. However, having a child can also increase the risks of breast cancer, so it’s not recommended to have kids. For this reason at least, having children can create problems for everyone. Being pregnant can cause issues of obesity, depression, gastrointestinal problems, cancer (indirect), etc. Just know that if you have a child, it’s pretty obvious that breastfeeding is the solution (for many reasons), especially with this in mind.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

10. Limit Therapies

Yes, this a proper way to use them. It’s quite the therapy.

It’s known that postmenopausal hormone therapy or hormone replacement therapy can cause issues with breast tissue. MHT used to be common to treat the symptoms of menopause. Today, researchers know that MHT increases the risk of breast cancer, so it’s only recommended in very low doses for short periods of time. This is why it’s also important to only take medications and therapies if you need them, including therapies like cancer treatment. Unless you absolutely need it and are going in all the way or barely need it, there’s no need to get a therapy that may hurt you. In the end, it’s up to you … and your doctor.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

There are plenty of ways to keep your breasts healthy. Be sure to follow everything on this list, and you should find that, with means in your control, you can be healthy. Don’t let the thoughts get in the way, because the last thing you need is stress to bring you down.

I’m so hard.

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