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The Best Vitamins to Take for Your Immune System

High five, bro! Bro, bro, bro your boat gently down the stream!

You know times are bad when the news in constantly covering something without really diving into all of the factual details. Oh wait, that’s the news all of the time, so please, forgive me for mistaking. Regardless, if the world is being ravaged by a fake disease only those who have a vested interest in propagating a hoax, it’s time to pretend to strengthen that make-believe immune system of yours. There are essential vitamins to improve your immune system out there. Here I’ll list some immune system boosting foods.

I thought an arm wrestling contest and a game of mercy would fix this, huh? I thought I was tough!

Anything helps right? At least anything that can actually help should help. You can’t just be taking bleach, chlorine, or chloroquine as miracle cures to fix these so-called symptoms, now can we? If you want some direction, look no further! I’m going to list below eight great vitamins that can kick dive that immune health into shape to help fight this fictional fight of nonsense. Hey, listen and take my advice under your own fruition, but consult with a doctor to be sure!

Give me an “A”!

Vitamin A (Immune System Boosting Foods)

Vitamin A is greatly beneficial to your immune and overall health. Like many vitamins, it’s typically linked to a group of foods which mostly pertain to healthy choices in vegetables. These foods are typically healthy and involve eating them daily to help maintain a healthy dose of the vitamin in your body all of the time. If you want help, foods such as carrots, squash, cantaloupe, pumpkin and sweet potatoes are a great source.

How do you start the Canadian alphabet? With an “A,” eh? Get it?

This essential vitamin is the same color as Donald Trump, so eat in moderation to avoid unnecessary contamination of the color orange. You should be fine considering the anti-oxidant qualities involved in helping the central nervous system produce lymphocytes and white blood cells. This generally helps with infection, so take your carotenoids, because orange is the new black.

Rolling in green, you know what I’m saying?

Vitamin C (Vitamins That Improve Your Immune System)

You probably know what vitamin C is, and it’s because it’s commonly brought up in the same sentence as immune system recently. It’s additionally know for being the vitamin that won’t heal you of a disease, as if it’s being sold as a miracle cure. It does boost your immune system though, and that’s probably all anyone is saying. It’s also known for being the first vitamin that people see when you watch an orange juice commercial; those darn things are everywhere!

Okay, we get it, Donald Trump is trying too hard to spread the news!

It’s slightly orange, but not as much as the last vitamin. In spite of this, be wary, because you may splorange in the orange! Regardless of it’s perceived benefits, so people like to be skeptics. Yes, if you decide to take vitamin C, it won’t cure you of a virus or make you invincible, but it can be of aid. You can look for green via leafy greens like kale, spinach, brussels sprouts and bell peppers. In addition, you can also find in fruits such as strawberries and papaya, and especially citrus fruits and juices such as the orange. If you look hard enough, you’ll find it anywhere, so you may not even have to supplement with a vitamin C pill or capsule. Most vitamins should be eaten from foods anyway, so get healthy!

Aren’t they beautiful to your stomach?

Vitamin D (Vitamins That Improve Your Immune System)

Yes, here we are again, and as we know, vitamin D is that one essential vitamin you may not want from food. Gaining a healthy dose of the right vitamin from food is difficult, and typically comes in the form of vitamin D2. This form has a much harder time being consumed and broken down by the body, so many opt for vitamin D supplementation. This supplementation typically comes in vitamin D3 form. If you consume vitamin D3, you’ll know you’re getting the amount you’re taking of the right essential nutrient without complications.

Asking a woman if she gets good amounts of vital D is not a good pick up line.

Of course, the sun is the best form of vitamin D you can get, since it soaks straight into your skin. It’s in the form of vitamin D3, so you’re getting it for sure. A solid 15 minutes of being outdoors during a sunny day will certainly fill up your gauge. It’s a good idea to get vitamin D no matter the source though.

Alt Text: “Brown Nuts”

Vitamin E (Immune System Boosting Foods)

Vitamin E is another great vitamin that is often used in conjunction with perceived immune health. If you consume vitamin E, like vitamin C, you’ll receive powerful anti-oxidant effects. It’s not only great for your immune system, but it has a direct effect on your brain that is beneficial. If you’re looking for your daily dose of it, look no further than brown nuts! Almonds, peanuts, and sunflower seeds are all excellent sources of vitamin E. Leafy greens such as spinach and broccoli are great as well, especially if you prefer vitamins via meal instead of snack.

I’ve really had “E”nough of all of this vitaminy talk. Yeah… .

There are over 200 biochemical reactions in your body regulated with the help of vitamin E and others. Vitamin B6 is also crucial in helping numerous processes within the body. If you need help with being yourself, then give certain foods a try. You may try chickpeas, tuna or other cold water fish, bananas, baked potatoes, or poultry like lean chicken breast.

Well, if they said color was an issue, I’d understand your mistake!

Folate/Folic Acid (Immune System Boosting Foods)

Folate is the natural form, and folic acid is the synthetic form of this next vitamin listed. It’s often added to certain foods for it’s numerous health benefits. Many of the benefits of natural folate come from a particular food group such as peas and greens. These, along with leafy greens can certainly help with a natural easing of needed nutrition.

Oh, real and fake? So you expect me to know this just as much as I knew about real and fake boobs, hmm?

If you simply eat a salmon fillet, a salad and some nuts and yogurt, you’ll have all things in check for a healthy diet. In addition, if you like pasta or are looking for artificially enriched foods, you can find it in “enriched” pasta, breads, rice and other whole-grain products.

Hell yeah! Iron this mudder pucker!

Iron (Vitamins That Improve Your Immune System)

Hey, you like to eat food, right? Well, it won’t be a challenge to find or keep iron in your system. Your body, like most, has a tendency to easily maintain iron, especially considering it’s abundance in certain foods. Like many vitamins though, you need them in good proportion to make sure they don’t interfere with each other.

Iron, you run, we all run for Iron!

The easy form of iron “heme iron” is easily absorbed into the oxygen in your blood. This type of iron is abundant in poultry like chicken and turkey, as well as seafood and red meats. If you’re not much of a meat eater, you can partake by eating kale, beans and broccoli.

Garlic it up, and taste it’s fine scent!

Selenium (Immune System Boosting Foods)

If you’ve had garlic and noticed that you feel better after boiling it with some soup when you’re sick, it’s probably in part the selenium in garlic. Selenium seems to have strong effects on the immune system. Not only does it help with disease and virus responses directed at the immune system, but cancer as well.

If you love garlic, then you’ll love selenium.

Studies have claimed that it slows the body’s overactive response to stimulus caused by certain aggressive forms of cancer. You can find it in the aforementioned garlic, but also in greens and nuts. Make broccoli, sardines, tuna, brazil nuts and barley a part of your diet, among other foods.

Yes, a vegan’s paradise! Just imagine it not being meat, and you’ll be fine!

Zinc (Vitamins That Improve Your Immune System)

Zinc is probably the most essential non vitamin on this list because of it’s numerous health properties. With the help of oysters, crabs, lean meat and poultry, you can begin helping your immune health significantly.

Yeah, yeah, I know! I let it all zinc in perfectly, and with nothing out.

Zinc also helps with inflammation throughout your body, which in part helps support immune health as well. If you’re highly considering your life, then know you must highly consider zinc. Let it zinc in for a bit, and try to avoid excessive calcium to help your body allow storage.

Yes, this is the end for you, all of you!

Let’s all get in on it! We have the ability to make ourselves stronger. For many of us; however, it will take some time and hard work. You can’t keep taking forever to improve your health, simply to avoid forfeiting some perceived loss of free time. Start getting some exercise and eating a healthy diet. Before long you’ll be big and strong!

Immunity and Covid-19:

  1. Vitamin A is great, you just have to turn orange first!
  2. See C is good, you just must have what’s under the hood!
  3. Vitamin D is amazing, it just left a little to be desired, or so she said!
  4. Vitamin E is great for those looking to chow on some brown nuts!
  5. Folate is great in acid form and otherwise to boost you right!
  6. Iron away if it’s not my word to say not to!
  7. Selenium is great for those working on a vegan diet!
  8. Zinc can make your pee smell like dirt!
  9. Dieter!

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