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The 10 Amazing Facts About Consciousness

The 10 Amazing Things About Consciousness
The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness
I think I think.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

Our consciousness is made out of our brain, and it happens to be a process that actually occurs. There are synapses firing electricity to other synapses through the self-governing system of the brain. The grey matter serves a function to help control the rest of our body, but along with this came an ability to think. It also gives us the ability to have an internal experience and react to the environment with awareness. Our ability to feel came first, as our thinking was what gave us the ability to control our feelings better. It did not take too much longer before we all began to evolve. This awareness turned this into something else, but is turned into what is was always possible to become. While consciousness is ultimately a negative thing, it is still an interesting subject. These are the 10 mysterious things about consciousness.

The neuron was born nearly a billion years ago, and thus our creation was ultimately in the works. It all started with the neuron, which is a cell that began replicating after simple molecules created it’s combination. Through processes such as osmosis, the first living brain cell was born, later creating the central nervous system and it’s periphery. This eventually lead to the first nerve and nerve that began as a crude network of cells. After this came the first hormones and neurotransmitters that distinctly control mood. Afterall, it ends up being cause and effect the way things were capable of and going to happen.

We gained the ability to feel and interact to our environment, even being able to sense and the light’s ability to reflect. The neurons continued to evolve, like many other cells of life, and we eventually got where we are today. We now have things like intelligence, where it goes to show that all of us are capable of something. The sad part of it is that we tend to compete and compare more than we cooperate. This is because our consciousness is actually a con keeping us looped into the same old drudgery. While this explains much of the science, you need some further explanation to understand it’s evolution.

Every little action made a scrupulous difference in the process, and it is why things are exactly as they are. While it is not saying much, we would have reached much of where we are today anyway, but things continue to make this difference. All it takes is one little change to make all of the difference in the world, but these changes can still seem small. Even the crude thinking we do can apply intelligence, as there is nothing necessarily wrong with keeping it simple. It just happens to be unfortunate that we are all chasing a dopamine rush.

Afterall, we are still alive, but we tend to have a bias towards this way of thinking without the meticulous detail. This is part of the way we tend to make living a little bit easier, as streamlining becomes a viable option. Our consciousness is also called sentience, but not everything is truly in control. The word describes the end result well enough, but sentience seems to abuse itself. If you are looking for an article glorifying consciousness, then you came to the wrong place. It is important to look at it objectively, as there are many flaws with it’s evolution.

Although it is one hell of an illusion, we are still in control through awareness, even though we lack true control in the environment. Some people like to degrade this truth so that it makes their lives easier. Other people will take advantage of what seems complex to them by convincing themselves that their misgivings are better. Our environment proves to be difficult, so we came into contradiction with other beings through a desire to avoid pain. We gain standards, and this makes us more capable of coming into conflict with others over our unavoidable selfishness. This confliction created problems, and so we found ways to avoid this through selfish compromise. In the end, our existence became and only could come a cannibalistic event that found a way to eat itself slower.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

1. Learning (Intelligence)

We are always learning new things and becoming privy to things in a slightly different way. There are ways for us to re-evaluate a similar situation, but sometimes, we end up forgetting that we thought something at all. Our brain can only carry so much information, and these thoughts are emotionally and physically connected. This is why we all take something at least slightly different from our experience than someone else. The permutations are high in number, but we can ultimately reach the end goal good enough. We can use the information that we have learned to then apply it in the real world. This is why people will say things that involve us knowing nothing, but memory helps bind this together.

Unfortunately, we can only be aware of so many things at once before some information gets lost. While we can describe these learned subjects differently, our brain can interpret separate things and react differently. If we are not taught, then we can display our curiosity and ignorance through learning on our own. Although we have plenty of thoughts, many of them are repeats from ourselves or other people. This can often get confused as an epiphany or ability to understand the world in a more complex way. People get lost in thought on a daily basis, but the fact that we can learn at all is something to understand. If we choose to look at facts, then we can ultimately be on the same page, even if learning is interfered with.

We can rinse and repeat through trial and error or use our natural abilities to get better and more refined through practice. Over time, this becomes second nature, and the things we struggled with before become easier through stored muscle memory. Once you understand something, you are looking at it from the other side, and it almost seems simpler. There are interesting little abstractions we can learn to compare and contrast ideas or objects. We can even learn how to separate fact from fiction, but people tend to have pitfalls when doing so. This is why we have conspiracy theories and disagreements, but that is just the beginning. If we can even have a discussion about objective truth and philosophy, we end up with only self-fulfilling prophecy.

Since our brain is a reactionary machine, we are, in a sense, robots with senses. Although we are not made of tin or designed with little reaction and awareness, it still applies. We react to the environment until our interactions inform us to survive with thoughts and action. This involves learning, and while some of us are faster, we are all capable of learning and getting better. There is a thing called intelligence that relates our ability to learn overall and in different ways. Our senses help the learning process by utilizing everything we have at our disposal that was needed to begin with. We will learn the same thing and arrive at different conclusions, and the vice versa is possible as well. The key structures in your experience and brain are what matter most when coming to said conclusion.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

2. Feeling

The most important aspect of our sentience is our feeling experience, as it is is the biggest indicator of true consciousness. It is the thing that drives us to improve ourselves, as otherwise, we would have little motivation. While we can argue that a thinking thing can be as simple as a mechanical reaction, feelings involve a little bit more. Something can think without feeling, i.e., a computer, but something cannot feel without thinking. Even the animals that we undermine so much in the wild can experience thinking, but their feelings take precedence. They cannot communicate as well, but their rudimentary thinking does little to take away their ability to feel. It also happens to be a fact that nearly all creatures in the animal have feelings that cause sentient pain.

We can choose to ignore these things, but feelings happen to us all, be it a human or centipede. Even though we cannot know exactly what they are feeling, we can understand that they feel. In the saddest ways to think, human beings can do this to other humans. While it is easier for us to ignore these facts for the sake of our feelings, the truth should be more important. This is where thinking comes into play, but emotions are what we are trying to protect, including our physical form. These feelings can motivate us to take action, but they reactions we have from similar experience in the past. They have culminated into a reflexive reaction that dictates our next move. This ultimately makes our beliefs the most important part of our reactionary functioning.

Even with the control we do have, we can still make mistakes through our reactions. The reactions we have end up being something we can correct for before they happen. This is a built in reaction we have to avoid doing the worst possible thing. Even then, it is something we have learned, and ultimately, it is the reaction we have prioritized through cause and effect. Our physical form has nerves that affect us, and in a sense we are our own worst enemy. While we can blame the universe for our existence, we can blame our evolution into feeling things even more. Since we all confuse our feelings for rational thought, those feelings can often inform us of more. The problem with most people is that they tend to pervert their own thinking for the sake of their ego.

We all have a survival “instinct” that comes in the form of pain and wanting to avoid discomfort. Since our feelings are a survival initiative, they are what came first. Any function of thinking came afterwards, and thus our survival improved and became more complicated. We all fear death because of similar things, but it is also the reaction we have had to beliefs that worsen our innate feelings. Even though we can like and enjoy different things, it comes down to our personal tastes that make them subjective.

Although we can fear different things, we always go through a process of risk versus reward. If we make our decisions fast, then it comes at a cost, but it may also be indicative of conditioning. The feelings that drive us are also the feelings that destroy us and keep us addicted to cyclical behavior. It is the reason we are still here, as our feelings are what guide us the most through life. It even guides us to find relatability in others through different means when finding a mate.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

3. (Self-)Awareness

We are all self-aware to some degree, and much of it come down to the choices we have made. There is very little we can do to be fully self-aware, but learning and our environment will have an impact. There is nature and nurture, but our ability to think is always there. Although some of us struggle, it is only because we have not informed ourselves enough of the truth. There are ideas we can believe, but they are untrue, even if we think otherwise. Being self-aware involves a level of consciousness enough for a person to recognize themselves in a mirror. Since it is different than simply being aware, it allows us to become better to ourselves with enough critical thought.

While we can teach a dog new tricks, their learning mechanism occur through reward and punishment. This can be the case for us as well, as everything is reward and punishment to some degree. Humans can take this further by tacking on more nuance to learning how we affect other and ourselves. We can go deeper and create more conclusions with our ability to use language. There are struggles with cognitive dissonance and even learning disabilities, as it requires a brain to have such issues. We also tend to give too much credit to the things we deem as incredulous when speaking our minds.

The biggest factor with consciousness is ultimately awareness, because it happens to be the defining characteristic of our brains. There are creatures like jellyfish who lack a central nervous system and rely on knee-jerk reactions for their survival. They are not aware, but their reactions can make them seem as they are. The same thing can be said for just about every kind of mollusk and carnivorous plant, but they are nonetheless alive. Their so-called instincts are built-in, but this does little to necessarily help them in the end. We are all struggling here, and although it seems personal, it happens to be a problem for everyone.

It is said that animals like dogs are entirely living in the moment. There is nothing to worry about in the past, but they also experience this thing called pain as well. While they cannot experience daunting memories with worry, they can still be affected by trauma and excitement. If anything, this can create more pain, but a dog can barely do much to communicate this to us. This trauma and understanding how each fact stands on it’s own is our way of being self-aware. Instead of looking through a lens, we can understand the facts to be just as they are. This is the byproduct of intelligence, and our awareness of our surroundings is necessary to our survival. Since we lack embedded instinct, it serves as the cause and effect of our intelligence.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

4. Thinking

Thinking is simply about tying things together and making relationships more clear through calculating likelihood and connecting the dots. There are a collection of idea and concepts that we can then put into words. We can even take advantage of our problem-solving skills to create solutions or to provide answers. The problem starts when we begin to entirely ignore the same function in others for the sake of ourselves. Our emotions can often get in the way, but it is hard to not be informed of our environment when doing this thinking. Unfortunately, our thoughts can get misconstrued, and our thinking can be conflicted through personal experience.

This personal experience can lead to logic and an ability to apply this knowledge to more complex circumstance that involves philosophy and even physics. The practical sciences are one thing, but our ability to adjust to more to more abstract application makes it more interesting. While we cannot know everything, we can understand generalizations that surround us in reality. We can all learn what has already been figured out or experience our own realizations about the universe around us. There are always going to be slightly different thoughts that lead us to different conclusions. This is where our brain picks up on minute differences that can even lead us to the same conclusion from a similar starting point.

Our thinking patterns can inform our feelings and can have us even thinking about them. The feelings we have can do the same thing, but they often get in the way or motivate us to do more. We can even reflect on our mistakes or the things we wish to improve to make things better. Although we can reflexively react in negative and damaging ways, it generally involves a lack of self-awareness. While it may be there, we are looking at it through a lens of selfishness, anger, and self-righteousness. This can ultimately make self-awareness moot or entirely bad, but sometimes our good intentions or intentions to do bad or through out.

Our thinking is the counterweight to the feelings we experience. At the same time, our feelings are there to provide for the feelings that cause us so much suffering. If we are truly taking advantage of our thinking, it will involve more than ourselves. Although scheming is the easy and natural way to fall for the trap of intelligence, it is not the ideal way. This is where humans in particular need to understand that the easy way is not the best way. Even though it seems like the path ahead involves a single person, there is more than one person to consider. This only goes to show that even the people who think that this is one good way to think about it are still not getting.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

5. Memory

We all have memories, but sometimes, these memories get lost because of the brain atrophying over time. All of us can lose our ability to think properly, and some of us lose our ability to memorize. There is the concept of forgetfulness or memory fatigue that comes with age. We can become so used to a memory, that we get lost in the feeling like it was almost not there. The part of the brain involved in memories is the hippocampus, but nearly every part of the brain is necessary for life. If we lose the function in one part of the brain, then reasonable living becomes impossible.

We can become braindead, or we can even become completely unable to resolve detail in memories. There are even diseases such as dementia (or diabetes of the brain) where we lose our short-term memory and ability to learn entirely. While we can choose to ignore things, it ultimately leads us down a road of misunderstanding. Even though we are all experiencing the same thing, we can interpret things differently. Our memories have much to do with this, as they are an effect that makes a huge difference. We can gain ultimate truths that involved going through a process that involved detail. There are even compromises we make with improvements that should be ultimately ignored.

While we go about identifying our thoughts and memories, we can enter a needless amount of rabbit holes. With time, our memories fade, even when we are confident in their accuracy. Some memories tend to be etched into us, and this can be shared with confidence as well. Everything we see in our heads is simply a projection of ideas we have connected through memories. Since we are entirely created by the circumstances surrounding us, it makes sense except to the creatures experiencing them. Our memories are there to help us create continuity through learning. If we did not have this, then our pursuit and function would cease to exist.

Our memories are ultimately a byproduct of keeping us involved in the game we are playing. It happens to be an unfortunate side effect beyond entropy that our brains will lose their ability to think. There just happens to be a half-life to the DNA molecule that birthed us into existence to begin with. While there is no ultimate will, there are side effects with causes we can intersect in the past. The ability to understand this and to learn come with memory to us all. There are no other alternative, and there are no ways to make the memory game any better or different. Even if we are speaking of a dog, memory will always play an important role in our function.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

6. Subconscious (Dreams)

We can all react differently, and we can all feel differently, but the feelings and reactions are much the same. There are rules that dictate the universe, but our brains are no different. While things happen a certain way, there is always a reason for it, but this reason comes not from a god. The reason things happen are things we can figure out through understanding the cause and effect. We have dreams that allow us to take more from what we have experienced, but this has changed in the modern-day. Our subconscious mind is what is actually guiding us, and it is what we have no effect on.

These dreams we have are supposed to be a learning experience through delving into what we are actually thinking about. We still have an internal experience, but how we understand it makes a difference. The difference between rainbows and blood can differ wildly, but it also says a lot about us. A dream now dictates little on how we can survive, as the threats we face are less intense. There are still lessons to be learned in our imagination, but they serve less function through fear. The scary truth can still frighten us, but it serves as more of a joyride for the senses through novelty. It used to be used for the subconscious state of fight-or-flight, but now it is something of more play and perversion.

We struggle with preconceived notions and confirmation bias that goes beyond our awareness. As free as we think we are, we are all driven by what we see as a personal problem. It just so happens to exist in almost everything to some degree, and it creates of misperception of we already live. It is also said that men and women have grey and white matter that apportioned differently. While women can choose a man because of her desire for consonance, a man will be more one-sided. Even if the man believes otherwise, nothing he does makes the looks any less important.

Like other processes of the brain, there is a reel that keeps track of everything we have experienced. The combinations can change, but we can infer things through understanding how things work. It is not impossible to fill in the gaps of an imaginary fight in our heads, but this knowledge is sometimes forgotten. Our subconscious memory can never be pinpointed, but we can try our best to understand what it is. While we “cannot” figure it out, there are things we can understand had an effect on us. This ultimately makes anything subconscious a very nebulous thing, but it really is not. Although our thoughts are actions, our thoughts are distinct to what actions truly means in our universe.

Although the subconscious mind evades us, we can still catch it off-guard. We can still change, as our subconscious can help guide our behaviors and reactions that are more obvious. There are even forces in our head constantly telling us to get better through humiliation. The feelings we force are often aggrandized and made out to be something spectacular. While there is something there, the grandiose associations we have with our subconscious mind or life in general are misplaced. When we are seeing with our eyes closed, we are imagining nothing more than a thought. We even get caught up in these thought cycles easily, but we are a machine that can be aware of it.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

7. Language

Language is what makes the human brain that much different from other brains out there. We are capable of complex word geometry, but we are also able to communicate with other animals. It gives us a template that other animals have, but it tends to be more rudimentary for other species. While we make it possible to communicate, other animals can communicate on their own level. This means that although we have language, humans can also function on a more crude level. It even displays that with a complex idea, you can still make simplicity a drawn out thing. You may even write an essay talking about consciousness and be entirely aware of it.

We all still have carnal desires, but our instincts are lacking unlike those of a tiger. There are humans that can be intuitive and some humans never learned much of a language. The basal instincts we have are limited, as much of what we learn happens through nurture. It is why human infants take longer to function correctly, even if we are capable of learning in the wild. The lack of an education would warrant the human invalid, but the function is still there. There are humans that mature faster, but we also tend to mature differently enough where it can cause some confusion. This is what make humans very diverse, as we have also migrated around the world through our abilities.

While birds are diverse, a single species of bird is very much similar. All birds can communicate together, but they tend to flock with the same species. They all have different mating calls, but other birds can still interact with them. There we reasons for this, especially since we tended to all remain human through the extent of our lost evolution. While small changes occurred, there is little that truly sets us all apart. The ability to learn and adopt a slower maturation was a huge aspect of language. The process of language created an environment where having to grow fast was not needed.

We all struggle with words and finding the right ways to describe things. This creates dissonance in our ability to understand the truth, as we allow the words to guide our logic into illogic. Those who are smart enough to know better often have to dig back into the maze to understand the dumbness of poor language. There is no doubt that arguing with stupid is nigh impossible, with the ones willing to be dumb always winning. The more you are capable through habituation, the more it becomes easier to take the low road to success. This can be applied to language, as it was a slow and steady process that progressed into more intelligence. Even though we can assess these things differently, we can only change in how reality deems it.

We are all stuck in the truth, and since it is so unappealing, we have decide to play these word games. Even if we lacked a locked system of laws that dictated our existence, the facts would still persist. Unfortunately, there is no other way to have a reality without a system and laws. It would be on us to figure them out, but even without this knowledge, they would still be there. We will always have some tendency to get lost in words, but we are also guided by concepts. It should also be noted that even though we have different perceptions, many of us still lack understanding of our simple existence. The reasons for this are ultimately comfort, as we also speak words in confidence to help us cope.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

8. Beliefs and Opinions

A lot of people like to hide behind subjectivity to avoid what is obviously an objective truth. While there is an objective subjectivity, there is also a subjective objectivity. The truth is still there, but our tendencies create our opinions. We are never having the exact same thoughts, but these thoughts can have similar conclusions. The tendencies we have to share something are ultimately something of our opinion. We can be speaking honestly, but our honesty can also be explained differently. If our tendency is to say something positive, then our opinion can be at least perceived differently. We then get lost in how words and ideas get broken down, even though concepts are designed this way.

It happens to be a circumstance of reality more than a fact of the brain, but the brain is still a byproduct of this. Even though it seems to happen through words, people are avoiding the truth through facts. We all struggle with finding the truth, but we can also know that the truth is more than words. Our brains give us the ability to understand more than scheming mechanisms, to look at a bigger picture. If we choose to ignore this, then we are abusing our intelligence and anything else that gives us information. The process then repeats itself over and over again until something happens anyway. This is not the way to see how opinions work, but it is a way that people can cheat against nonetheless. There are even people who believe that smart people are happy, even though the exact opposite is true.

While it is the easy way out, people avoid the facts for all sorts of reasons, but the ultimate reasons are fear. The selfishness we have can go above and beyond our personal desires for comfort. Some people struggle to see past themselves, but there are others who at least give selflessness a chance. Every single one of us is capable of having someone else’s opinion, and there are plenty of options. We are all speaking through the facts, but some of us do it better than others. Although we can be on the right path, others can still struggle to keep to the truth more rigidly. Even if we speak the truth, there is little that can change in reality to prove it more worthy. It is also the reason we hold onto phantasmagorical beliefs, as it leaves us searching for more.

Instead of taking this to heart, we decide to take our opinions of philosophy to ethics instead. This is where we can boil things down to opinion more, as to avoid the subjects of more importance. No one said it would be easy, but this is because of the beliefs people have because they lack the insight to see through it. People will believe things for the dumbest or reasons, but it only happens to be through fear, reassurance, and subsistence. We can deny the words we have as meaningful, but at the same time see differently than true deniers. There are easy facts to gain through seeing the functionality of hardwire, but it does little to stop people from believing falsity. The true challenge comes in philosophy, but it also comes in taking out what people are in denial over.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

9. Personality

We gain a personality through the process of maturation, but some personalities leave much to be desired. Along with a personality comes behavior, coping mechanisms, and our general attitude towards life. Our moods dictate how we feel emotionally and physically, and our physical conditions can do the same. There are improvements to be made through things like dreams, but dreams can also confuse or terrify us. We will even struggle with maladaptive coping mechanisms that can ultimately mean our death if serious enough. Some of us even have personality disorders that take maladaptive coping to the extreme through syndrome.

We are conditioned emotionally by the time we are all adults, and humans can take on a variety of trades. There are preferences we need to consider, and a lot of us even like things out of the norm. Some people struggle with finding peace, and so they find peace in pain. The extant desire for peace is there, but they are relegating it to something else. In spite of this, we are all carbon copies of each other, where we all have the same general experience. Even though we set ourselves apart, these differences are barely worth mentioning overall. This means that we really have to embrace understanding this, even if we do not want to through other people’s idiotic beliefs.

While we can think others are stupid, we should also understand that their stupidity comes with a personality. This personality dictates and explains personal experience, at least to some degree. We even find ways to apply personality to the things around us, but it is only in us that this personality is created. An example of this is painting a ball and giving it personality, but the personality is only projected. This is because a valued sentience is giving the meaning to something else that would otherwise not have it. Our personality then reverberates and creates rifts and ends up affected through what happens to us. We ultimately have no control, but on a “larger scale,” we still have no excuse to make, even if we can make them. The reason for this is consequence, and there will always be consequence and reaction through change.

Even though we struggle to pin down a personality type, we all tend to react in the same ways when it happens. There are different things we react differently to, but our biological similarity and drives make it ultimately the same. We can desperately try to avoid having a personality like other people, but it only ends with neurosis and personality. There is conditioning we can do, but the template leaves little to change and exists anyway. Our personality is ultimately a reflection of the sad state of sentience we experience and how we learn to cope. This is why doctors have to learn how to think clinically at the hospital but turn it off when at home. Our crude desire are different than our clinical understanding, but it creates dissonance and personality.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

10. Emotions

Emotions are essentially the biological and chemical reactions that physically happen inside of us. They make us feel a certain way in reaction to something, but the feelings are more obtuse. If anything, emotions are just another way to feel, but it tends to be the more internal. There can be pain, pleasure, or there can even be confusion as to what we feel. The brain will inform us of physical pain, and it will lead to an emotional response involving tension. We can have a time restraint, and so with the consequence we perceive can be seen through tainted glasses. There are even times where we can have a negative thought but think little of it.

The fact is that the negative feelings we have are associated with biological responses of stress, anxiety, or even depression. If we have no negative feeling, then we will not experience a negative emotion because of a lack of doomed forethought. The experience of stress happens to us and within us, and is already dictated to happen. Our adrenals can even cause us issues and make us think negative thoughts that ultimately affect our emotional reactions. We can also understand this more, but it ends up a complicated mess oftentimes. It turns into something easily understood, but we lack awareness of everything that has happened to us.

If we lack the knowledge, then we can end up lost further and further into depression. This only makes it more difficult, but some of us understand this and get lost because of it being too much. We can overcome this, but it happens with learning how to cope better. We can gain some knowledge in the process, but the result of coping comes from behavioral changes. There are times that it seems bad, but it is only because we are making it worse on ourselves. While this can be seen as a remedy, it only serves as an aid to an existing problem. In all, the mechanism is quite literally mechanical and deserve to be seen for what it is by tracing it back. Even though we are guided by them, we can think that we are truly thinking them instead of feeling them.

While people like to overcomplicate the processes of the brain, the device it stands for is quite simple in function. People tend to get lost in abstract thoughts to keep them going, but little of it has to do with reality. We can lose ourselves to combinations of words and concepts, but to apply meaning to them is what is special. There are associations that ultimately mean something to us, and we just happen to experience them. The complexity just happens to come from the number of thoughts we can have, but this does little to disrupt the truth. Things were as they always were, but the dreams of more can still leave emptiness once known.

We struggle with our crude function that leaves us begging for more, even if the thought tends to terrify us. There is still complexity, but the complexity involves imprecision that creates conflict with understanding truth. We can have a thousand thoughts that lead to the same conclusion through a coincidental connection. The conclusion can seem more vivid, but the conclusion is still there because of how anything can be associated. Since things are always happening, we can connect new dots to this instance that may have an emotional association. Although people struggle with sharing and understanding emotion, the thoughts are actually quite simple. We all happen to share many of the negative emotions, but our reactions are even more similar.

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

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10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

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10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

The 10 Mysterious Things About Consciousness

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