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The Most Significant Downsides of Social Media

assorted-color social media signage
Well, if it doesn’t just spell it out for you. Talk about true colors.

Social media is among us and has been for quite a while. While we may be advantageous to the many benefits of its uprising and prevalence, it’s not always good. It can also hinder our prospective outlook and social lives. While you may be sitting in your room and scrolling through the next big thing, your “would be” friends are posting their fun night out. There are plenty of downsides of social media. There are the negative effects of social media.

Social media really puts the “me” in “media.”

If this wasn’t enough, your quiet, yet vocally boisterous friends are posting the latest meme garnering 100+ likes on Facebook. This is all happening while you sit, watch, and sulk at the prospect of you ever getting anything. It’s not to say that you can’t have a good time, but this is about the bad. The bad can easily outweigh the good, especially for some people. Social media platforms can certainly help tarnish your perspective as well.

There are plenty of downsides…

Incentives on social media come from the wrong place; they serve no functional purpose beyond self-advertising and arbitration. The dishonesty laden throughout social media is something to be scrutinized. Irrespective of this, very little of it is brought to light in the heat of the next big share. I’m going to list below five quintessential downsides of social media.

Negative Effects of Social Media

Facebook Zucks!

People Can Easily Tarnish Their Reputation as One of the Downsides of Social Media

No one is on Facebook sharing their negativity, but so what, some people do. This is why some say that social media is considered a dark side of the web. Social media has been known to destroy people’s lives because of a simple misunderstanding. Someone may have a melt-down, or others may quote mine a person to their demise. The main point being that if you’re on a social sharing website, negativity swings hardest. Your perceived breakdown because your girlfriend broke up with you is going to go exclusively viral.

Remember, nothing on social media can be for sure entirely erased. To an extent, it’s up for good, so be aware.

You may not get many likes, but that doesn’t mean the eyes of the weary don’t see you and avoid you. People can be cruel and judgmental without the sound understanding that dictates us through or our lives beyond our control. If you have to reach too far to understand, questionably thinking that you may understand it more, it’s too far.

Man, I only got 7000 likes 🙁 I usually get at least 7015 with posts like this!

Other than not getting superficial likes, don’t take the lack of attention personally. The last thing you should do is give in to false authority online. Most people shouldn’t be overly trusted, so don’t trust them.

Negative Effects of Social Media

She loves me not. Damn!

Things Are Easily Misconstrued in the Downsides of Social Media (Negative Effects of Social Media)

As mentioned above, things online are to be taken with a grain of salt. More so on social media than anywhere else on the internet superhighway. If you regularly visit online forums, you can probably understand the concept of the internet troll. Anonymity is different to everyone, and it isn’t always an obstruction to online trolling and judgement. Being online can make you prone to cherry-picking, blanketed devaluation, and significant uncanny judgement that seems all to unreal to accept at times.

Hey, could you text me hard when you get there wet? Oops, sorry! It’s just autoerect. S***!

Another issue searching through the social media web is inauthentic ways of communication. You have abbreviations such as “LOL” (Laugh Out Loud) and “ROFL” (Rolling on The Floor Laughing). With many of these mimetic ways of communicating detrimental to honest and healthy discourse and interaction. Exchanges become abbreviated as opposed to felt sincerely and are simply brushed under the rug with a simple button push.

Hey, babe, disclose your body by taking disclose off.

Being online via social media also contributes to a total lack of respect through arbitration and denial of a viable disconnect between life on and offline. Anonymity also contributes to this, which only worsens online reactions and garble. You think people must be accountable, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out. People can still find loopholes on websites deeming it mandatory to disclose personal information.

Negative Effects of Social Media

Man, aren’t I cool? I just want to lick the laptop right now.

It Displays The Bright Side Of Life

What do you think people are sharing online? Do you think they’re sharing their worst moments or best ones? Yes, a bad apple may emerge from time to time, but that’s beside the point. Most of the time, the good is what is seen and perceived by most viewers. The people we speak of, are those probably already struggling.

Does this mean I get a new monitor? Oh, social media made me break it!

Bad apples are rotted, and good apples are applauded and seen. People have a tendency to notice the good and envious natures of the web. Having breakdowns online is the other problem and lends to the systemic view that social media is often times a nuisance. Others would probably call it a good or “necessary evil.” All people from this tendency to the next are negatively affected by this issue.

This is a severe issue. You aren’t seemingly being socially accepted. How dare thee!

When online, you must also be aware of the contrary. Many people online can also learn to be hurtful. In spite of some social media requiring personal information be public and verifiable, people can be awful and mean. It almost gives them a license to hurt and destroy. People online, especially websites such as YouTube can have people throwing all civility down the drain.

Does it make you sad to know just how alone I really am? Yes, self, it does!

All in all, when you go online, decide so ahead of time what you will pay attention to. Having no thorough understanding of what’s going on will only further confuse you. Otherwise, don’t bother or move past it, it’s not worth getting caught up in.

Negative Effects of Social Media

Yeah, this is the pathetic state of existence we live in now.

It’s Linked To Depression And Social Exclusion

Everyone has had a stroke of envy visiting a social media site. Be it Instagram, Facebook, or any one of the other 500 apps people use to stroke their egos. It’s okay to be self-actualized, but why should they have all the fun, and at your expense? It’s easy to say that it behooves you to avoid social media from time to time.

Please check out my LinkedIn account? Yeah, I don’t have a reason to live.

Oftentimes, the effects of social media can create a distorted self-image that can end up ruining someone’s perception of themselves so much that they commit suicide. I’ve even been victim to this myself, and I’ve also seen others break publicly because of this. It’s never good to see someone posting macabre pictures of them harming themselves.

Instagram: Home of the imbeciles!

It Promotes Laziness and Disconnection (Negative Effects of Social Media)

People feel as though they can judge from afar nowadays, but that’s the price people pay for being “connected.” This being connected in the very loose sense of the word. People are poorly guided along the process of the internet, that most people have no clue as to what they’re doing. Not only this, if you’re trying to get closer to your family, sites such as Facebook will facilitate less need in real contact. Instead of being face to face, you’re probably talking via Facebook with a friend, while your family is trying to contact you via while in the same room!

Hey, instead of getting up, can’t I just say goodbye from here?

Far too often, social media is seen as a healthy substitute in place of normal interaction. If you’re avoiding people, you’re probably best to avoid social media as well, especially if you’re a loner. Even if you like being alone, doesn’t mean social interaction helps. A lot of people also think they like seclusion, even when they don’t, so consider this.

Well, if it doesn’t just spell it right out for you. Scrabble media!

As we can all see, social media has its upsides, but also it’s downsides. Like any medium, things can either be good, bad, positive or negative. It is the duality of life that without the bad, you mustn’t have the good. Please, before you go out next time, make sure you’re aware of your own vulnerabilities. Gain a little self awareness, and use it to your advantage. This will not only help you, it will end up helping everyone.


  1. Don’t make a fool of yourself online, and watch what you put up.
  2. Watch what you say because it can come back to bite you in the arse!
  3. Know that only the sun is shining on those pretty little screens others are using to upload their lives.
  4. If you’re online long enough, your life will transform into saggy drapes.
  5. If you’re online enough, you’ll inevitably find reason to stay locked away in your basement.
  6. Done!

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