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The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend

The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend
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Making new friends can be a challenge, but it does not have to be. The more you go in with the right information, the better the results will be. With the right knowledge you will be able to equip new methods of improving your habits with your friends. While it may seem difficult, all it takes is some practice, and you will be well on your way to a better friendship. These are the 10 amazing ways to be a good friend.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend

1. Be on Time

It’s as simple as it sounds, and all it means is that you should not leave a friend hanging around for you all day. If you want any friends around to do it for you in return, then you have to be there for them. While some people can put up with a late arrival, it’s not for everyone. It’s also not the best way to be a good friend if you are always late or showing a lack of concern. This is all you end up getting back, because it is all you were willing to give. It’s about being the better person sometimes, but if they are there for you, you should do the same.

2. Pay Them Back

You may be looking for someone to get you out of trouble, but it does not come easy. You have to work for it, but sometimes, the work come afterwards. This is why it’s important to give your friend something in return, especially if they asked for something. Even if you are not asked, you should be sure to give them something. This shows that you care enough to consider them without them making an inquiry. While it may sound like a lot to be a good friend, it should come naturally to just about anyone.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend

3. Show Compassion

Showing concern can be a challenge from time to time, but if they are truly your friends, it should come naturally. If you don’t care about someone, it shows, and it has a lot of repercussions in relationships. In a sense, you are pushing someone away if you don’t show them the proper respect. The more you give concern and compassion to others, the more you will get it in return. It’s one of the only ways you can keep a relationship going. You may have problems showing it if you are struggling in your life or don’t care about the person. The point being that you should try to show respect to everyone, and in return, you will get what you give.

4. Be Generous

If you want a friendship to last, you need to show at least a little bit of something called generosity. You don’t want to be shorthanded in a relationship, because it can come back to bite you. It’s not to say that you have to go all out all of the time, but it’s always nice to show that you care from time to time. If someone is expecting you to always give them something, you should be wary. The time for generosity should come naturally, and it should not be forced. Just be sure to make a habit out of it.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend

5. Be Kind

A little can go a long way when it comes to being kind with someone. If you are not friends, you will soon become friends if you show a little heart. It will not work for everyone, but it is always worth being nice no matter what. This way, you can learn to habituate yourself to partaking in acts of kindness. The small things like opening a door or offering someone a drink can make someone respect you. You should not expect anything in return though, and that is the last part of being kind. You should be able to feel lit inside and out, which means you should avoid setting too high an expectation on others.

6. Show Love

Being a good friend can be displayed in many forms, and one of these forms is showing love. This affection should be realistic, be it a form of tough love that helps get things done or otherwie. You should be honest with your friends if you want to have an decent relationship without any pretense. If you avoid having too many fake boundaries brought on by dishonesty, you will struggle to have a meaningful relationship. Since the only way to make real change is by being tough from time to time, you should learn to show real love. It’s not like you will be able to hide it anyway.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend

7. Be Honest

Starting where we left off — being honest is an important virtue when it comes to being friends. If you are lying to someone, you are probably lacking respect for that person. It certainly something that can take time, and we are all guilty of being that person who ghosts someone else. While it can certainly be honesty in it’s own right, it’s not the best kind of honesty. If you are leaving too many loose ends open, it means that honesty is not your forte. It should be of utmost importance to be honest with your friends, even if it means that it will hurt you. The pain you feel from being honest is a sign of growth, and you may even find a friendship end. In the end, if you would not like to be lied to, you should not do it to others.

8. Respect Boundaries

We all have a friend that will not respect our boundaries and wants to know everything. This is by no means always a bad thing, and it can often happen to the best of friends. The idea here is that you should find better ways to deal with situations without pushing too much. The more you push, the less you will often get. If you respect boundaries, you will find that your friend will naturally open up to you more. This is a part of establishing trust, because being pushy often means that abuse is involved. The last thing you want is to be considered that “friend” that uses too much of the wrong information against others.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend

9. Give Good Advice

If you care about someone, you are more likely to give them good advice. Regardless, you should always make an effort in trying to give good advice. If you are not the kind of person who gives advice, worry not. It’s just a matter of doing what is good for you. Maybe your friend is having a problem with a relationship, and all you can say is to keep trying. The effort is what counts, and before long, you will be giving better advice. The more you practice, the better off you will be. In the end, your friend will appreciate it and sense that you actually care for them.

10. Protect Them

If you want to be a good friend, a good way to start is by being protective of them. It does not mean that you have to throw your life on the line, but it helps to show some mild concern. While it is not always easy to be the best friend, considering their circumstance, you are always the same character giving the help they deserve. If your friend asks you to keep a secret, you should make sure that the secret remains a secret. It’s these small or even big things that make a huge difference. Before long, you will be a better friend naturally without even trying.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Be a Good Friend

While it may be hard to do all of these things, it’s important to make a start. If you struggle, just be aware that it’s mostly about finding the right balance of these things. They don’t necessarily contradict one another, but it’s simply about trying to understand. If you start with some practice, things should begin to come more naturally.

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