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The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health

The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health
This is too healthy for me.

If you want to keep yourself healthy, you have to consider your lifestyle choices. If you are making impulsive and negatively driven lifestyle choices, you are more likely to suffer ill health. Many of the things that will make you healthier are the things that are driving you to make many of your bad decision to begin with. If you make the simple changes it requires to make a difference, you will see a significant difference in your health and mood. Just be aware that health, like many things is cyclical, so a bad mood can lead to negative health outcomes. These are the 10 amazing ways to improve your overall health.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health

1. Diet

This is as plain as day — you should be getting in a good diet. This means to eat a well-balanced, and preferably, vegetarian or even vegan diet. A good start would be the template of a ketogenic or Mediterranean diet. Eating certain foods, such as meats, could be good, depending on your goals. However, it should be noted that for overall health, a vegetarian diet can make you live for 10 more years. If you want the definition of overall health, a longer life span may come to thought.

First, you should be avoiding excessive carbs and sugars; they will do you more harm than good by causing cancer and diabetes. Unless you exercise a lot, you have no need for carbs except for energy. The next thing you should avoid are avoiding highly processed or refined foods. These kinds of foods can contribute to obesity, which can considerably weaken your immune system and shorten your life span. The best thing you can do is try to eat organically, which is easy if you simply choose to do so. While it may, in some instances, cost more, it’s always worth it.

The last thing you should consider is eating your vitamins and minerals as much as possible, i.e., vitamin D and more. The healthier your diet is, the more you will absorb these nutrients. If your macro and micro nutrients are well balanced, you will find that you are not only feeling better. Your overall health will be improved, giving you a health backup supply that will take a long time to shorten. If your diet is good, depending on your weight, will cause a loss of fat and get into shape.

2. Fast

Fasting is a great way to make up for any deficits in your health in a fairly short period of time. The more you fast, the better you will feel and the more you will become healthy in the long and short-term. If you fast, you will wreak the benefits of growth hormone production, autophagy, cancer resistance, immune strengthening, and BDNF. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is the increase of brain cells and their connections. To put simply — fasting will clear your brain and make you smarter by optimizing your intelligence.

The other benefits, such as the growth hormone, will help with reducing the effects of age while keeping you strong. Autophagy is clearing out old and damaged cells or proteins from your various parts. This means that you will be more resistance to cell damage that leads to cancer and immune compromising problems. You will lose more weight and retain more muscle than any other routine of eating. While it may not necessarily be the best “diet” for muscle gain, it’s certainly good for maintaining lean mass while losing weight.

There are two kinds of fasting — intermittent and prolonged fasting. Intermittent fasting is between days, and prolonged fasting is not consuming calories for longer than 24 hours. They both have their benefits, but it’s nice to have a mixture of the two; prolonged fasting is intermittent fasting on steroids and harder. Implementing this fasting routine has been known to get people out of the grips of cancer multiple times. The more you fast, the more healthy you will become no matter what.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health

3. Stress

Stress is bad for all sorts of reasons, but it’s the last thing you need when trying to stay healthy. If you are stressed, you end up making bad choices that lead to more stress. This can end up having a negative impact on your health that lasts a lifetime. The cycle will keep going, and it can lead to things like alcoholism, binge eating, or even anorexia. If you want to avoid the negative cycle that keeps on feeding in on itself, you have to make smart and conscious choices. These choices are there to make a change. Thee can include sleeping right, eating healthy, and learning new coping mechanisms.

Stress is known to be harmful to your endocrine system, and if you are physically stressed too much, it can lead to mental health problems. The same thing can be said for psychological stress, which leads to physical healthy somatization. If you end up in this loop, you will have to put some effort in to change your bodily habits defeating themselves. Since stress originates in the combination of hormones, you need to change the output of them. This is where things like meditation and other mindfulness practices can help you out.

Cortisol is a leading cause of stress because it’s in fact the stress hormone, but it’s not the sole cause. A lack of dopamine or serotonin can cause this as well. These neurotransmitters are responsible for motivation and happiness, and they can be affected tremendously by too much fight or flight. If your adrenaline gland is constantly working, you will struggle to feel any sense of safety because of burnout. This burnout can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to cancer and other diseases.

4. Injury

If you are physically injured, you will find that keeping yourself healthy is a little more difficult. Be it from being forced into the hospital and taking health depriving medications or something else, it’s bad. The more you keep yourself safe and risk averse, the more you will be healthy from just avoiding injury. It’s also known that the more you are injured, the more inflammation you are prone to. Inflammation can end up later causing cancer because of cancer’s ability to grow from old injuries.

The best thing you can do is wear a helmet if you are riding a motor bike or wear protective gear if you are in a professional fight. It’s a fact that exposing yourself to more physical harm can make you more likely to die in the act as well. All this means is that you should try to stay safe, and if you must take a risk, do it with caution in mind. If not, you may end up bearing the consequences you will regret. Just because it happens to a lot of people, does not mean that it has to happen to you, too.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health

5. Doctor

Seeing a doctor will help you catch yourself getting sick before it truly happens. This means that getting a yearly checkup should be of priority to you. The same can be said for seeing the dentist or other specialist that you are seeing for your specific problems. If you do not do it, you may end up with problems too far gone to do anything about. Do your research and keep yourself honest with your doctor. This can prevent you from making any fatal mistakes in your diagnosis and treatment if needed.

Just be sure to ask questions and keep any research you have done in the back of your head. It’s even a good idea to bring a list of your concerns with you that may even contradict a doctor’s advice. The most important thing though is to consult with a doctor if you sense a problem. This does not mean that you cannot over do it, meaning that you have a health anxiety disorder. A doctor should also be aware of any mental health problems you have, which can interfere with a routine checkup.

6. Drugs

You should avoiding drug abuse if you want to keep your actual health in good shape. If you end up drinking too much alcohol or smoking too many cigarettes, you will negatively impact your health. This impact is not so small either, because cigarettes can cause COPD, breathing issues, and lung cancer. Alcohol can cause diabetes and alcoholism, which can lead to obesity, quality of life problems, and liver cancer. The numerous other drugs, including the ones that doctors give you can also cause many problems. Since there are too many to list, just be aware that uppers can cause heart attacks, stroke, dehydration, and high blood pressure. Downers like heroin and anxiolytics like benzodiazepines can cause the same problems, including neglect and overdose.

If you want to keep your overall health in mind be sure to stay away from drugs. They can lead to addiction and immediate death in some cases. The fact that doctors prescribe much of the same drugs that are sold on the black market should speak volumes; many of them started out in a lab full of doctors. Most of the synthetic drugs sold are not going to people that actually need the drugs, which usually leads to abuse from recreational use. Most of these drugs were made more powerful on the black-market, and they often kill those who take them without verification through a drug test. No matter how you are getting them, your body will suffer grave consequences if drugs are taken at all. I can keep going on and on, but you get the point — drugs be bad.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health

7. Exericise

Exercise is one the best things you can do to improve your overall health. The act of exercising is involved in so many bodily processes, that there are too many to count. Cardiovascular exercise is responsible for keeping your heart and vascular system in shape. If you exercise, you are giving your heart more room to breathe and increasing your life span. The more you run, jump rope, or even walk, the longer you are extending your life by reducing your heartbeat. Your heart getting all of that added stress out is responsible for keeping your heart strong. It can also reduce stress by releasing your natural painkillers called endorphins, which is what they refer to in a runner’s high. The less you are stressed, the less you are exposed to pain and lethargy.

As you can see, a lot of these things are interconnected in ways that have an impact on your health. Along with cardiovascular exercise, weightlifting can be useful for gaining or toning muscle. You just have to be sure to avoid injury. This means that you should be sure that you are doing proper form without overdoing it. Give yourself a chance to rest between sets and workouts. If you don’t, you will end up causing a great deal of stress on your body, opening you up to more injury. All in all, the more you exercise, the more you can lose weight and keep your hormones in check.

8. Supplements

While it sounds like self-help guru nonsense, it’s always nice to know that a supplement can make a difference. This does not mean that you should avoid getting good nutrition in your diet. Supplements are simply a nice addition that can make all of the difference on top of everything else on this list. You need to be sure to still get enough sleep, and in fact, some needed supplements help you get sleep. If you are avoiding your overall health, a supplement will make little difference. If you are not getting in your nutrition through diet or exercise, you will struggle to absorb supplements properly.

There are plenty of good supplements on the market such as vitamin D, lion’s mane mushroom, and so on. All you have to do is give your favorite pharmacy or online store a check, and they will have it. Probiotics are good for gut health, and . Your nutrition ties into your supplementation through your diet more than anything. Just be aware that there are good supplements out there. They can be specific to a problem you have, or they can apply more broadly to generalized health to keep in shape.

The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health

9. Sleep

Being sure to get enough sleep and rest is highly important to your overall health. If you want to recover properly without getting injured or stressed, you need some alone time for rest. If you don’t receive this time to sleep, then you will suffer significantly. A lack of sleep and rest can lead to focus problems, weight gain (slowed metabolism), injury, stress, and even death. The more you sleep up to a certain point will give you what you need, which means that 6-8 hours should be enough. If you need help going to sleep, there are plenty of natural options out there for you. The last thing you need is to screw up your sleep cycle.

Melatonin is the first thing that comes to mind, just be sure not to take too much. Taking too much can take your natural ability to go to sleep away, like mechanisms of other drugs. To get the best rest though, it’s recommended that you sleep in a cool and dark room. Sometimes a fan helps drown out outside noise while also keeping you cooler. Sleep is also a part of the resting process that keeps your hormones and neurotransmitters in check. If you do not sleep, you can suffer from more depression, anxiety, and irritability. Your irritability will increase because your estrogen and testosterone will drop. This all means that getting rest, it whatever way necessary, by planning your day out properly is crucial.

10. Sickness

If you fall ill, you will see your ability to be healthy drop by quite a bit. This is because you are sick, and if this is the case, then you are not in good health. While your overall health may not be at risk, you may find that some illnesses are hard to shake long-term. This is where your immune health comes into play, because if it’s not there, you will struggle to feel good. The more you eat poorly and lose sleep, the more you put your immune system at risk. This means that you are more exposed to things like pneumonia and the common cold. While this seems like an amalgamation of the previous items on this list, it’s not.

It’s always a worthy consideration to take not of avoiding diseases, colds, or flus as best you can. Nowadays, this is especially important, meaning that you should keep yourself up to date with the latest in hygiene. While it’s no big deal to get sick from time to time, you still do not want it to add up. Becoming sick can increase your immune system, at least for a time. However, it’s probably not worth it to get sick all of the time just to increase your immune response. This response can become too responsive, leaving you with an auto-immune disease, too.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Overall Health

There you have it — the 10 amazing ways to improve your overall health. This can seem like a high bar to set, but it’s really not all that difficult. If you start with one, then the rest will follow quite easily. As long as you keep up with your health, you can start doing what you do even more while feeling better for doing it. The end result is riding a wave that keeps on giving and becomes a reward of it’s own. This is because the healthier you become, the more you will enjoy it and avoid the pitfalls of the past.

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