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The 10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Testosterone Levels

The 10 Amazing Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels
Do I have a double christmas tree on my back?

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males. In male humans, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testes and prostate. The hormone also promotes secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair. In addition, testosterone in both sexes is involved in health and well-being. This is including moods, behavior, and in the prevention of osteoporosis. Insufficient levels of testosterone in men may lead to abnormalities including frailty and bone loss. These are the 10 best ways to increase your testosterone levels.

The 10 Best Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels

1. Eat a Better Diet

Improving your testosterone can be a challenge, but so aren’t the things that you need to do along the way. If you aren’t already eating a healthy diet, you need to start. While it may be healthy, it may not be the best diet for gaining muscle or improving testosterone. You need to be sure to eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. Carbohydrates are also okay to help give you that extra boost of energy for your workout. You should be sure to take a pre-workout supplement and protein for muscle protein synthesis. Much of these come in handy, especially if you workout, but they are not always necessary if you do not.

You should be working on creating a balanced diet, depending on what your goals are. If you work out, be sure to add protein, and if you don’t, be sure to avoid carbohydrates as much as possible. Something along the lines of a vegan/vegetarian or Mediterranean diet should work for most. It’s a matter of slowly getting yourself to the point of a good diet though. The reason for this is to avoid getting yourself caught up in a crash diet that will lead nowhere. This is where counting your macro and micro nutrients is important, because this will allow you to find satisfaction in your diet.

While you should not get obsessive, it will give you motivation to keep the diet going. The more you avoid highly processed and refined foods, the better your health will be. The better your overall health, the better your body is at synthesizing testosterone. You should be doing this while keeping away from sugar and keeping your vitamins and minerals in check. The worse your diet is, the less the vitamins will be absorbed into your system. Mixing this with a good daily routine for your eating schedule will give you a giant boost. Try to avoid excess snacks, and be sure to give yourself some time for fasting between days.

2. Get Enough Sleep

If you are not getting enough sleep, your body will not be able to function properly. If you are lacking in sleep throughout the week, your body will prioritize keeping you awake over other bodily functions. While getting an ideal amount of sleep does not necessarily give you a boost, it makes sure to keep you at healthy levels. It may be hard to do, especially if you have a busy schedule, but it’s what you need for your overall health. This means to stay active in all of the right ways, but find the time to rest.

Resting is crucial, be it between a workout or sleep between each day. The more rest you get up to a certain point — at least 6-8 hours of sleep a day — will not have diminishing returns. If you don’t sleep or rest between workout, you body will not properly reset, given the time restraints. This will ruin your ability to gain muscle or do typical tasks throughout the day. An overall lack of rest can ruin you by not giving you the chance to absorb the stress in your day. This will add to your cortisol levels, leading to more stress than your body can take.

The 10 Best Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels

3. Take Some Supplements

There are plenty of supplements that can naturally give you a boost when it comes to your testosterone levels. It’s not to say that you can’t take steroids or SARMS if you want, but the point is to avoid them. No matter what, if you want to optimize your testosterone levels, a supplement can be useful. There are supplements on the market that can either directly or indirectly affect your testosterone levels.

Many of them, like pre-workout supplements and protein powder help performance and muscle gain potential. If you are exercising, they can certainly make a difference because of muscles ability to keep you lean. This muscle gain will also naturally boost your testosterone. Fish oils and other proprietary blends can be of great use to your testosterone. Even coffee can help you with testosterone by giving you that additional boost in metabolism and energy.

4. Masturbate and Have Sex

If you want to help maximize your health and testosterone levels, it may require you to commit a sexual act with yourself or someone else. Masturbation or simply having sex, especially for men, has been shown to help increase testosterone levels. Obviously, the mindset comes into play, but the largest boost comes from ejaculation. Although masturbation or other sexual activity may lead to a short-term increase in testosterone, it really depends.

It would also appear that short-term abstinence from sexual activity can increase testosterone levels. Just be aware that your serum, at least for a short period of time, can vary depending on your masturbatory practices. Maybe it might be a good idea to do it a lot for a few days straight, then take the rest of the week off. No matter what you do, there’s always a way to boost your levels through sex.

The 10 Best Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels

5. Try to Stress Less

It’s a proven fact that stress will decrease the output of testosterone in your body. Based on the pattern, lower levels of stress can lead to increased levels of testosterone in men up to a certain threshold, which is characterized by a positive association. While reduced levels of testosterone can be observed by high levels of stress, with a subsequent leveling off. The more you stress, the less testosterone you have, and the less testosterone you have, the more easily you become stressed.

Stress activates your adrenaline and cortisol is released, which can lead to excess fight-or-flight. Your performance will not only decrease, but it will burn your body out. If you can’t do what you typically do, you will end up losing gains and stamina. This constant state of worry will give your body no time to rest, which exhausts your system to the point of shutting down. You will require more rest, which will only worsen if you do not get it. Be sure to figure out your daily stressors in your life to avoid this terrible and negative cycle. This can include mindfulness practices, more sleep, and a better diet to boot.

6. Intermittent Fast

While fasting has numerous other benefits, it probably does not seem like it is something that would increase testosterone levels. On it’s own, in combination with a decent diet, fasting can give you a boost of both growth hormone and testosterone production. Much of it comes from the fact that you were probably not getting the most from your decent diet. It’s also important to consider the weight loss that typically comes from fasting. If you are overweight, fasting can certainly give you a boost of testosterone.

The problem is that you can end up losing testosterone if you end up starving yourself to the point of being too skinny. The association between growth hormone and testosterone is also important. If you are exceedingly unhealthy, the growth hormone and autophagy, will at least make some small difference in your overall testosterone. Even if it’s not the best way to gain more testosterone, it’s still a worthy consideration if you want something small and easy … somewhat easy.

There are two types of fasting — intermittent and prolonged fasting. Intermittent fasting is where you fast between days for up to 24 hours, and prolonged fasting is not eating for more than a day. There are other kinds of fasting like the 5:2 fasting routine (eating typically for 5 days and then fasting through the weekend), which is essentially a kind of intermittent fasting or combination of the two. Applying a mix of the two is always ideal because of the plethora of benefits you can gain from combining the two.

The 10 Best Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels

7. Exercise More

The more you exercise and workout, the more you will see gains in your testosterone. When you exercise, be it cardio or especially weightlifting, you will activate growth hormone and testosterone. Since exercise in the form of resistance promotes muscle building by breaking down the muscle, you will end up with a higher percentage of lean mass. You will be able to lose weight faster and keep it off easier. The more you lose weight to a certain point, you will see your serum and free testosterone levels increase.

This is generally speaking, because you may be dealing with an underlying health issue that keeps you from properly releasing testosterone. Just be aware that your testosterone will increase if you lose weight or gain muscle mass; this requires a healthy diet and good amounts of rest. The last thing you should expect is to lose a lot of calories by weightlifting. You are probably not burning as many calories as you think, so save the expectation for cardio.

8. See a Doctor

If it’s absolutely necessary, you should be sure to see a doctor if you are noticing any problems with crashed testosterone levels. The longer you wait, the longer it will be before you can get back to normal. The problem is that the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get back to normal once you receive a testosterone supplement. A doctor may recommend a simple behind-the-counter supplement, or they may give you a testosterone prescription. The point is to avoid waiting to see what you can do about it.

You should be getting your blood work checked at least once a year. If you do not now, then you should get started immediately. There’s no shame in getting it checked, because if you need to get testosterone injections or pills, it’s never too early or late. Be sure to tell your doctor everything, especially if you don’t have a prior history with them. If you have any allergic reactions, let them know. If you have an allergic reaction, it can be fatal, so do not pass up any crucial information.

The 10 Best Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels

9. Keep Active and Avoid Physical Injury

You should be making sure that you are getting outside as much as possible. Not only will you be more likely to gain vitamin D, you will more than likely become more active. This, along with keeping yourself in shape, will keep you in good graces with your health and overall self-esteem. The more you stay active, interact with others, and share what bothers you, the more you will be able to accomplish your goals.

Being wary of your surroundings is also very important, because it can keep you from getting injured. If you become injured, your body will in a less an optimal state to produce testosterone. This is especially true for working out and staying in shape. If you can’t exercise, you may end up overweight and stressed out.

The best thing you can do is be cautious, meaning that you should avoid unnecessary risks. The more you do this, the less likely you will become an injured mess waiting to get back to work. If this has to do with working out, be sure to do your research and keep proper form when you are exercising. The last thing you need is a peck tear keeping you in the hospital and out of the gym. They may even give you drugs, which leads me to my next item.

10. Avoid Drugs

While this may seem like it’s more about avoiding than gaining, it’s all part of maximizing your ability to gain testosterone. If you are drinking too much alcohol or speed, you may find that performance slows down. Even if you are using uppers in the gym, the performance boost they give you is not worth it. You will burn out and will find that it does little to help you in the end.

The use of drugs will only ruin your overall performance and gains, especially if you are not doing anything with them. They may help you in the short-term, but that’s all you can say for them. Drugs that are damaging to you include alcohol, cocaine, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, heroin, meth, and more. Even cigarettes will ruin your long-term testosterone levels, even if they may offer a minor boost in the short-term.

If you are lacking in any area that give you energy, you should consider supplements or testosterone. The problem, especially for anabolic steroids, with these drugs is their ability to eliminate your natural ability to produce testosterone. If you are to come off of them, you will find yourself — sometimes permanently — unable to produce your own levels of testosterone again. This is why it’s important to take a PCT (post cycle therapy) after any cycles on steroids or SARMS. The use of a PCT will be sure to give you a steady way to return back to normal testosterone levels.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Best Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels

There you go — the 10 amazing ways to improve your testosterone levels. There’s not much more to say except that you should be keeping an eye on yourself while trying to improve. Keep good goals in mind while trying to keep yourself healthy and active. The more you do this, the more things will fall into place, including a good eating plan, sleeping schedule, and workout routine. If you follow everything on this list, you will not be any worse for the wear.

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