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The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation
The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation
Now, you can only be seen from the shadows.

Everyone has a reputation, but how many people do you actually know? Also, how many of these people have a remarkably good reputation. Well, these are (obviously) rhetorical questions, and you probably do not truly know that many people (especially with a decent reputation)! And guess what, this is exactly what makes this an “interesting” and almost entirely useless (asinine) subject. However, it’s a matter still worth going over because of people’s desire to understand reputation and gain insight into how they can change it. (Reputation is quite simple, but it requires a little finesse to grasp the entirety of its complexity.) Additionally, you need not have many friends to have a good or bad reputation and vice versa. You simply need a reputation, be it in front of a large audience of people or a small group of friends. In the end, these are the 10 exceptional ways to gain a bad reputation, at least for the most part.

The unfairness of social media is always a good start, and you’ve got the mic!

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

1. Look Horrible

The first step that you need to take when having others hate your guts is to make yourself look horrible, be it your overall demeanor or social appearance. (They actually work in tandem!) This seems rather easy, but the process is actually pretty difficult. Fortunately enough for you, there are plenty of ways to look bad, and there are also plenty of ways for people to find you disgusting. Of course, there are plenty of flavors of bad reputation; however, there is also the socially acceptable form of looking bad (or pretentious). Assuming that we’re simply talking about a snarling prick, then you may want to dress to the nines for success. If this is the case, then you should probably begin to act like you own the world. For the most part, this is probably the easiest way to at least begin your journey towards a reputation in decline. And the funny part is that you do not even have to be wealthy or snarky — you just suck!

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

2. Practice Debauchery

Even though it seems as like I am trying to help you gain a bad reputation, I’m simply telling you how to avoid it. (You can take this information in anyway that you please; there are no bad perspectives.) However, this information can also be taken in any number of ways, as just about anyone can become a quaint and successful douchebag. After all, the attitude is what really counts when it pertains to creating your own personable self-image; you need to create perspective. Furthermore, your perception of yourself helps guide this personal endeavor. “So, what does this mean?” you ask. Well, it simply means that you have to put on the act and learn how to act like a douchebag. In fact, everything you decide to do, including spending your money on trips to Mars, will help with this. In doing so, you will walk down the trap to not being a good person, at least to the decent and reasonable people.

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

3. Understand Reputation

You can do all sorts good things or bad things and still gain a good or bad reputation among a group of peers or random people. Again, this is exactly what makes this subject so complicated, at least when we’re discussing its “moving parts.” It’s also a black & white matter with all sorts of shades that can and/or will dictate your understanding of reputation. (It may be simple to think about, but understanding the constituent parts can be useful, difficult, and also enlightening.) Although, especially when it comes to end results, we can understand a good versus bad reputation. The good reputation comes from pleasing the most persons (out of the best kind of people). A bad reputation means that you have lost the will of the people by doing something horrendous (to the most amount of people). Afterwards, we can then have arguments about the particularities of the subject related to what really matters.

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

4. Try Hard

Your standing amongst your peers is always important, but why not dig just a little deeper into understand this problematic rabbit hole. And, unironically so, you can always ruin your reputation by trying way too hard to make your reputation noticeable to begin with. People also tend to perceive that others are trying too hard, especially when it’s something that requires little effort. Unfortunately, certain people tend to misjudge others for doing this, even if what someone is doing is worthy of considerable praise. Although, most people do not like seeing others over-extend their accomplishments to the point of arrogance and pious self-indulgence. To make this even more problematic, people tend to get jealous of others who work for their accomplishments and find success, making the subject that much more confusing. Thankfully, the subject doesn’t always have to end on a low note either.

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

5. False Pretense

The worst part of rejection or the failure of maintaining a reputation is the amount of pretense and fakery that occurs. (It has been brought up before, but why not bring it up again.) Believe it or not, a lot of people have to pretend/fake their way to victory so that they can experience their so-called success. At the same time, this is a subtle form of manipulation that also allows thieves and crooks to cheat their way to the top. For all intents and purposes, this displays that proving yourself to be a fake and phony is just about as good a way as any to clear that fart-stench air. We should also look at how it is at least mildly relevant in how we allow certain unworthy people to take places of unyielding power. Regardless, it should be understood that achieving righteous success alone is not worthy of being considered a “bad reputation.” Just make sure that others are aware of your lousy and pesky schemes.

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

6. Gain an Audience

For the sake of argument, we can always look at who becomes upset, whom we mostly displease. Although, we should also see who we are aggravating and how reputation should be separate from this situations almost entirely. (We may inadvertently gain a/the right or wrong audience, at least according to ourselves, and gain a reputation from it.) To make matters even worse, we should always consider the outcome. In fact, the end result is easy to understand, but a little investigating never hurt anyone. Of course, the people, what you are doing, and how many people you upset is entirely relevant to the matter. Although, at least to most people, this does not matter in the slightest. In fact, it’s a matter of how you affect them personally. We can also look at the net outcome but also understand that we have a mostly good or bad reputation through those many shades of gray and/or otherwise.

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

7. Release Expectations

If we’re to look at things a little more objectively, then we must first look at how we can break down the subject. Of course, it’s not like we need to discover something new and interesting, but the point of the real world is to understand it — this is very important to do. We must understand it as much as we can but also as reasonably as we should; the world is not always going to revolve around us and what we want. Additionally, people forego other conclusions, and it’s because of their inability to understand situations as a whole, i.e., their extreme emotional discrepancies. In the end, this can always work, but the work must be put in too, mostly. And, like with an audience, where you can use this as a catalyst, you must temper and/or release expectations. Unfortunately, even when you try your hardest, people may not always budge to your expectation to be hated. Although, your disappointment may help!

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

8. Keep it Simple

The more that we think about it, the more likely that we can probably see the usefulness of this so-called deep thinking, especially during an “objective” talk about reputation. However, we should also understand that its utility runs dry — the key to simplicity — long before we hit any sort of peak (or trough). When it comes down to this though, we should probably just accept that we’ve got nowhere to run to. (The world is not always your oyster, but why even bother to begin with.) A lot of it is truly simple, and the “common sense” approach should always take precedence. Of course, much of this thinking is mostly intellectual and considered somewhat practical; although, much of this perspective is skipped through ignorance or means of unnecessity. Even then, the worst, most selfish of us can always take the simple path to a forsaken victory, and this is one which can be used to spread the unrighteous “word.”

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

9. Question Authority

What is a bad reputation, and does it necessarily mean that you have to make people hate you? Maybe it comes with an ounce of pity or simplistic disrespect. It may even be displaced through means of questioning the might of the government, albeit in just the wrong way. Unfortunately, this drastic “assumption” can lead to a lot of questionable outcomes, including people’s ability to take the meaning of words completely out of context. (You can agree or disagree with popular ideologies and gain a good or bad reputation). Of course, how you promote yourself makes a significant difference, but there are also a lot of people, depending on the ideology, who will find that any kind of disagreement is bad. Nevertheless, with this in mind, you should always understand the basics. And guess what, the list of things to understand is rather significant: crap, shite, and poop … . Tis the universe!

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation

10. Care Less

If you just want to get away from a pigeonholed ideology or simply want to prove that the universe doesn’t expand (e.g., entropy, intelligence, and good physics), then you should probably just LET GO! For example, if you’re told that some has died, then you should say that it isn’t your damn problem. Of course, this is par for the course for just about everything, but you never said that you didn’t care. And, at least at this point, why not take that a level further, right? Although, even when all else is lost, we should simply understand that it’s extremely hard to gain an entirely bad reputation. Should we care? Well, probably not! (Beyond the “philosophy,” there’s room to understand that it’s just another part of the careless conversation.) Furthermore, people follow the herd, but there are occasional stragglers who will enjoy this unforgiven and almost unintentional lack of concern that you choose to display.

The 10 Exceptional Ways to Gain a Bad Reputation


As you can tell, there are plenty of ways to ruin your possibly decent reputation. Of course, much of what is listed here may seem like it’s “easier said that done,” but who said that it would be without difficulty and hardship. (The challenge is part of the so-called fun!) Some methods may be bad; however, others are certainly better ways to gain a bad (or good) reputation. Fortunately, we can also choose to understand how to avoid provoking negative reactions. Regardless, this is a simple but deep dive into how to synergize slightly different perspectives into a cohesive whole. There’s also room to believe that we can take much of this knowledge and apply it to a lot of other situations. Thankfully (or unfortunately), there are few ways to display your rudeness to others. With this, you can safely gain your getaway trip without those pesky followers burdening you with nonsense about talking with god.

In the end, you can just get a bad reputation if you do not already have one.

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