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The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

Einstein in Love
Even Einstein thought that Love was the answer. See, it’s on his sign.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

Being smart, wise, and intelligent are different things, but that’s besides the point. If you’re smart or any of the above, you may deal with some questionable traits. These traits can be considered gifts or curses. We all have something to offer, even if we may not be the smartest person with the highest “IQ”. Some people are gifted in ways that other people with high IQs are not. A person with a high IQ is not any more useful than someone skilled at a particular trade. If you’re smart and just sitting around waiting for life to hand you an easy ride, good luck. It’s not going to happen, because you need to put work in, in spite of luck. You have to apply yourself and learn how to hone your strengths and weaknesses. I’m going to be listing the 10 guaranteed signs that you are intelligent.

It’s a constant battle when dealing with being smart, from the peer pressure to the depression. It’s not all fun in games and ego cheering that you’ll be dealing with, because it does come at a grave cost. While it seems like movies portray intelligence with a bit of cynical reverence and lighthearted fun, it’s not all of that. It’s not like I’m trying to teach you that becoming intelligent is like unlocking some kind of superpower. I’m simply here to explain that however smart you are, it’s a matter of understanding and utilizing it the best you can. While it may seem like I’m reading a horoscope when describing what signs can make you smart, I’m not. The explanations are simply here to help give you context to personalize it for whoever may need it.

Now, to get to a basic point before the article — the difference between these three traits. See, smarts and knowledge comes down to things like common sense and the facts that you have learned. You can be smart in a field of study, but it does not mean that you are intelligent. It usually requires experience, and the time it takes is irrelevant. Wisdom is the knowledge you gain through living that keeps evolving through pain and experience. It helps when making decisions and knowing how it’ll effect via insight, knowledge, and common sense. Intelligence is the basic mental capacity someone has to do solve problems and recognize patterns via spacial awareness and numerical relationships. If you’re intelligent, you’ll have an easier time learning and comprehending things. However, if you struggle will mental illness or don’t want to learn, you won’t gain anything, etc.

Emotional intelligence is also important. Your EQ is a type of intelligence that measures understanding of other people’s emotions. This requires a level of self-awareness and experience with emotions yourself. Above all, you can have all three, and they’re all equally important. If you’re intelligent but lack experience, you may struggle to do anything of practical use. Just because you think Einstein did it, does not mean you will. Much of this has to do with luck, as many intelligent people get left in the dust of the lucky and experienced. Lack of motivation can be a struggle for anyone, so be sure to get out and there and learn something, because it’s a trait of smart people no matter what. Even if you think you’re not learning, you’re learning something, just be sure you can do something with it. Once you apply it, all will fall into place.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

1. You Doubt Yourself

I wonder if I’ve thought myself to death yet.

Self-doubt is a serious feeling that can create all sorts of problems in someone’s life. Not only will it leave a mark on you, it can create interpersonal problems in relationships, too. It’s not to say that it’s all bad, because it’s not. In fact, having self-doubt is a great way to tell if someone is intelligent. This second-guessing comes from a strong sense of insecurity. You’ll constantly be wondering if you’re doing something right, but you’ll begin to doubt this self-doubt. Once you gain control of it, it can create wisdom, and this wisdom can create better outcomes. Unfortunately, even the smart have to deal with learning lessons the hard way to finally understand what’s best. The same way that prevention is better than a cure which is better than a band-aid, we all make mistakes. Some of the mistakes are hard to control… they are beyond our control.

Not everyone who deals with self-doubt though is a genius though. There are plenty of people who struggle with self-doubt, and it can occur for various reasons. The common thread is that we’re all smart in our own ways to some degree. Because of this, we can end up struggling with it. It is true, however, that the smarter you are, the less confidence you can have in your own opinion. It just does not happen to affect everyone to the same degree, regardless of how smart someone happens to be. There are confident smart people out there, it’s just seems to be less of a tendency. The same thing can be said for those who are not as bright. Nothing is cut and dry, but these associations can be explained in detail.

The biggest problem with being a smart person in whatever form is dealing with self-consciousness. Self-awareness is a major factor in being smart, and even people with high intelligence quotients deal with this. To be truly intelligent, you must be aware of the actions that you’re taking. If you’re walking around with no understanding of what’s going on around you, you may be dealing with a problem. It’s not to say that we should stay stuck between a rock and hard place, but progress must be made. Being smart is part of knowing creative solutions around or through the problems we deal with. And although we may doubt ourselves, knowing is just half the battle. We must be willing to take the simple solutions and go with them if in fact we need them. In spite of doubt, we may sometimes be doing the worst thing by over-complicating a problem.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

2. You Like Being Alone

Is this what you look like when you’re alone?

Being a loner isn’t all bad — it probably means that you like spending your time wisely. Spending it with friends and family is nice, but it’s probably not at the forefront of your mind. It’s not to say that spending time with others is bad, but it’s not necessary to. It’s healthy to spend time with others, especially if it means that you can get out of your head. The problem can stem from not wanting to rely or hurt others, as well as not being bogged down by other people’s personal problems. You’re not being intelligent, and you’re probably not that smart if you don’t take this stuff seriously. We’re only as good as our worse moments, and we can use simplicity to make our message clear. It’s not so bad living life with a simple message, but being aware that this is barely the full message is important.

Having a high standard for yourself is a big part of being smart. This is not only about being smart, it’s about understanding if you are smart or intelligent. Finding things amusing is not the message of a true smart person, because it’s all hard work. You can do this work if you’re constantly looking at pretty colors and trying to get lost in minutia. The world is a problem to solve, and if you understand this, you’re probably fairly smart. The thing to consider is to not let this stuff get to your head. This is what befalls many intelligent people, because they have god complexes. To make it simple to understand, there are smart people and stupid people. There are problem solvers and people who do nothing, too. If you want to considered intelligent objectively, you can’t just sit around.

You can be intelligent, but it can be hard to spot. There are people that aren’t that smart that can land on a smart solution. In addition, you can’t be smart if you’re just intelligent and have learned nothing. If you learn nothing, you’re probably not that intelligent. Being intelligent simply makes it easier to figure things out. There are people that are extremely smart, but aren’t that intelligent. However, it’s hard to be very smart without having a high intelligence, but it’s about considering relative comparisons. These judgments are often done subjectively, but it does not mean that there is not an objective truth. The problem most people have is separating wishful thinking with reality. This is a smart idea that can make you smarter. Your intelligence can then be maximized, and beyond this is wisdom.

The more friends you have, the more you realize that you’re obligated to them and want to help them. It’s not to say that you don’t care about people, because you certainly can. You just don’t want that concern you do have to be taken advantage of. Caring about others can take up a lot of valuable time, and it’s something we have little of. We all want to make sure we use the little time we have here as productively as possible.

Since we’re stuck here anyway, it does not always work out that way. It does mean that certain things will happen anyway, but some of us, even us smart ones, will have problems with this. It does not mean that you’re looking to be famous though, and we occasionally question what being smart is.. People who are actually smart and use their intelligence wisely aren’t looking to always be the center of attention.

Being alone is time to use the thoughts that you have in a productive way. And, if you’re not in the company of others that can help you maintain productivity, you may find struggle in seeing it as anything but a waste of time. If you’re smart with your time, you will often find others a major distraction. If you’re smart, you’re also less inclined to have a long-term mate or children. You may even find yourself not having much intercourse at all. It’s not to say that it can’t happen, it’s simply a correlation. Maybe reading this will create some kind of reaction that will elicit a response; however, it does not change the current correlation for everyone. It’s simply put, a historical fact.

Now, I wouldn’t find this to be a bad thing, but some may. Intelligent people are more inclined to spend their time in other ways than with love. As much as this sounds like a lie, it’s a matter of fact. The responsibility that a child and family requires is immense. Intelligent people realize this and react accordingly. Some may not, but then I’d question their abilities to some degree. Someone smart would either wait until success to have children, or they’d avoid it all together. This is because life is dangerous, and bringing children here is dangerous. The more pain you’ve experienced is also a correlative variable involved. If you happened to have found love, maybe it means that you’re not so smart. It can also mean that you’re not just a statistic, and love can happen to anyone.

This loneliness may even lead to drug use and alcoholism, but it’s not necessarily the case for everyone. It’s just that if you’re a highly intelligent individual, you may find yourself downing a drink more than the next guy. It’s not something that I’d recommend, but an occasional drink for most people is not all bad. The problem with this is that many intelligent people have an addictive personality. This kind of personality can lead those who struggle with impulsiveness to be inclined to drink a lot more. This can become dangerous and lead to alcoholism and drug abuse. Alone or not, it’s best to avoid the drinks unless you know that you have a handle on it.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

3. You’re a Little Insane

The mask of madness consumes you.

Being intelligent can come at a cost, and the cost could mean your mind… occasionally. It does not mean that you’re just waiting to envelope in madness, it simply means that you may go a little crazy from time to time. There’s a saying about there being a fine line between creativity and madness. Maybe it’s brilliance and insanity, but hey, it all has the same message. Any creative idea someone comes up with required a little bit of mental energy, and the mind can cave. Since the world around you can sometimes seem so cruel, it makes little sense in trying to stay sane. As cliched as it sounds, there’s an element of truth to it, but it hits square on the head. Not just because it’s a simple statement, but because the madness is actually something related to intelligence.

This can come down to personal insight or insight problems. Sometimes we can delve down a path of thinking that can lend us to the hands of darkness from time to time. We can struggle with expectation and begin to overthink every little detail until we’re blue in the face or deaf in the ears. It’s not to say that it can’t be a good thing as you struggle to think without losing it from time to time. It can even make you funny and rely on humor as a form of sanity to keep you from losing interest in day to day life. Having a brain requires a little stress, and if you’re smart enough to think, you’ll know that enough is enough. Being intelligent can be stressful, especially if you often see other people as stupid. It’s not a smart thought, but it’s somewhat common.

Are you smart, and if you are, can you hide the madness that can consume you? Do you talk with yourself? If so, this is another trait that comes with intelligence, as you constantly bounce ideas off of each other. It’s almost like you’re talking with others, but do you respond back? Plenty of people talk to themselves out loud over simple matters, but it does not mean that someone is smart. Do almost all smart people do it? Yes, they mostly do. The point of talking with oneself is to prevent boredom, loneliness, and lack of focus. If we all try to focus but can’t, the best way is to think out loud. It’s to help separate your thinking from your talking. If you’re intelligent, this is something that comes quite naturally, and it’s a smart thing to do.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

4. You’re Disorganized

Yeah, you know I’m smart when I’m making a mess.

It’s not to say that being organized is an issue, but there are certain people that show their smarts differently. To some degree, if you have any degree of intelligence, you have some matter of disarray in your life. It can be as simple as being organized but being bad at folding your clothes because you don’t want to. The same way that there’s a difference between up and down, there are differences between messes and disorganization. Going out and making a mess to seem smart may make you look dumb. It does not mean that you’re not an intelligent person, but you’re certainly highly suggestible. If you just happen to have your clothes piled a certain way along with your sheets being out of alignment — that’s disorganization.

We’re all at times a bit disorganized, but it does not mean that you should go out and make a mess, therefore, you’re smart. It does not work that way, and you may in fact get in deep trouble for causing any destruction. There is a line between making messes and being disorganized in your way of cleaning up a mess. It’s because there’s too much to keep up with, and how are we to always keep up? You end up finding your own organization through the mess you happened to create. You learn to utilize and use that mess, and it’s not out of laziness, it’s out of quirkiness. Although, laziness can sometimes have something to do with it. You probably just like to keep things a little uneven, but hey, there’s hardly anything on this list that’s purely causation.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

5. You’re Cheap

I like my bedrock.

People that have any amount of brain may share a trait of not giving a crap about what clothes are on their back. Yeah, this may sound like an excuse, and it’s something you may have heard before. Learning to understand what’s important is also part of the process of being smart. We can all become smart, but we’re not all super-genius walking around trying to prove how smart we are. Not everyone is like this, but arrogance and simplicity can also be signs of intelligence. Simplicity in the sense of style of dress, efficiency, and so on can be considered important among those with smarts. It may seem like I’m generalizing here, but I really am not. I’m simply listing much of what makes a person smart, and how you can spot one among the things that they can have in common.

The cheapness can come from not wanting to waste time with simple things like doing your hair or putting on expensive clothing. Maybe they don’t like expensive meals, but they’ll go out because they can afford it. Those who are smart may have a simpler way of making their day. It can be as simple as wearing the same clothes multiple days, bathing less often, and so on. It’s not to say that other smarties won’t do things differently for some different reason though. It comes down to a trend, and the trend involves efficiency to some degree. Intelligent people probably don’t enjoy wasting their money or time on things of little importance. It’s not to say there aren’t geeks out there who don’t enjoy having their parents dress them, but it’s not likely.

There are people out there that enjoy wasting money on the latest science fiction movie or like to read books. The association with books and intelligence is simply an obsession people have. It’s not accurate that every person that enjoys a lovely read is above average in intelligence. It’s not to say that everyone who doesn’t read is the sharpest tool in the shed either. Intelligent people come in all forms from reading books to only enjoying the latest article listed on their favorite blog. There are nerds that enjoy a silly movie because of it’s intrigue, and there are dumb people that do the same thing, nerd or not. The point is that nothing is cut and dry, and there are other factors at play.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

6. You’re Depressed

Do I look happy to you?

Being depressed comes natural to those struggling with the burden of intelligence. You don’t have to be depressed all of the time, but keeping a check on reality can create some wear and tear on the mind. Things aren’t always pleasant, but there’s always something new to learn. The process of understanding and learning is often a difficult challenge to keep up with. The world around you can seem overwhelming at times, and at the same time, the depression can kick in and kick your butt. And to say that you’ve never gotten your ass kicked before would certainly be a lie. Struggling with motivation and intrigue can be a daily part of someone who is highly intelligent. It’s something that’s difficult to overcome. However, when the confidence finally hits you, you’ll find your true capability without low self-esteem.

Depression is a daily part of everyone’s life to some degree. Some people may call it sadness or melancholy, and others may be dealing with actual depression. Clinical depression can be caused by all sorts of circumstances. Unfortunately, those most likely to struggle are those who are smart. But they’re not the only group that are prone to major depressive disorder, as it’s seen across the spectrum. It’s often seen in those struggling with down syndrome or mental retardation. Even if someone is struggling, they can turn into something almost unrecognizable when dealing with depression. Those who are smart can become mentally handicapped because something horrible happened in their life. This sickness can render someone useless, and it’s scary, especially to those who can see the pattern. This can become a problem, often having smart people delve into religious thinking.

Beyond this, the struggle with feelings of depression stems from feeling as though you have all the answers. Yes, life itself is not all that hard to figure out, but it’s about finding the fun. The fun in all those little adventures and discoveries we can finally nail in the coffin. Many smart people suffer from something called awe syndrome — a syndrome of always finding something interesting. Even if it seems like a problem, they’ll find awe and fascination in something dangerous. They may even think that there is more here, but it’s often just wishful thinking. Smart people can often get caught up in delusions of grandeur and galactic relevance. There’s an argument to make that they’re not that smart, but maybe they’re just caught up in the wonder. The wonder is where we can find meaning when there is often nothing left to look for.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

7. You’re Anxious

I can’t see my fingers in my eyes!

They always say that if you’re smart, you can always think yourself out of a problem; however, this comes with a caveat. You can think yourself out of a problem easier, but you just as easily think yourself into one. If you’re intelligent, the more of a problem you’ll be dealing with in the process. The depths of hell are as deep as the mind is capable. The more you have to work with, the more there is to work against you. This can present itself as stress or anxiety that can at times seem out of control. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that can be done about it.

If you’re intelligent, you’ll likely deal with more anxiety than the average person. This comes from your intelligence alone, and it does not mean that other people can’t have anxiety. Anxiety can effect anyone, it just affects people for different reasons. The stress that it can have, can end up dimming your ability to think rationally with fight or flight being involved. Be it smart or stupid, anxiety can cause negative effects on just about anyone to anyone to any degree.

You can often struggle with cognitive dissonance and have fears. The insecurity you feel can also be too much to deal with at times. It’s not that you’re struggling more than others, you’re struggling with a different problem than others. You’re not dealing with the problem worse, you’re just dealing with more of a problem. While the daily tasks that seem so menial to you are being done, you may struggle to find purpose. The lack of purpose can fuel anger and anxiety to the point of depression. See, smart people come in all forms, and it’s not so smart to think of them as one-dimensional.

Struggles with social-awkwardness and speaking your thoughts from overthinking are fairly common, too. The problem is that sometimes it’s hard to make certain correlations because it seems like there are too many things to associate. The associations can lead to distinct and interesting thought patterns, but it can make you question if you’re even right. Sometimes, it may seem like you’re thinking in circles for no good reason, even though you’re thinking rationally. This can lead to struggles with sanity, leading to feelings of hopelessness and lethargy. It’s the reason it’s so important to learn how to deal with these struggles with stress, because it can end up battering the brain.

Even if you may be thinking a little too much, there’s nothing wrong with that, because no one group of people are 100 percent correct in their accumulation of knowledge. To overthink is just another way to gain more information, genius or not. Overthinking and figuring out something new and interesting is different than thinking in circles. You may even be taking detours that other people lack. It doesn’t mean that because you go a different route that you’re wrong, it’s simply a different way of thinking.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

8. You’re Empathetic

See, we all had our part in making the heart.

Having empathy is almost required, and it’s simply about understanding the feelings of others. Now, many people have some measure of empathy; however, it may not mean that they’re the smartest cookie in the jar. It’s not to say that they don’t have any empathy, it’s just that empathy runs short. This is a major part of having a high emotional intelligence. Unfortunately, there are some really smart people that struggle to be anything but clinical. Being clinical is different than having no empathy; however, it’s not to say that there aren’t some intelligent psychopaths out there. However, if you want to be considered a quality smart person, you have to show to others you care. This is not something that every smart person shows, but they may understand it. Emotional intelligence is a different kind of intelligence all together. If you are emotionally intelligent, you are intelligent though.

This goes back to self-doubt, and you may struggle to think that you care about others. It does not mean that you don’t care though. We all show concern in distinct ways, and sometimes, we’re too far wrapped up in our own struggles to show a concern. It’s another one of those things that a person has if they’re smart, and it runs across the board. Starting with generosity and ending with kindness and courtesy, empathy can be a gift and a curse. It can take a toll on those who understand that the value of someone’s life, especially to them, is extremely valuable. It gives people creative outlets to show their abilities to protect those around them. However, the cost can sometimes be too much, considering that the world around is can be so cruel, cold, and callous at times.

You also struggle with fear of violence and other conflicts. Also, you may be a pacifist — you don’t like conflict with others and prefer peaceful solutions. You may see yourself embroiled in conflict or bullied for reasons of being different. You’ll find better solutions, but it’s not to say that you can’t be vengeful. This can often be seen as arrogance, and yes, arrogance is a factor in being intelligent. Some people who are intelligent may feel like they are some god’s gift to earth. This is often a goof that they can play, but it’s hard to not see it this way when you’ve solved a rigorous problem. It’s not all as you see in the movies though, because being smart does not typically come with all of the baggage. The problem with so many intelligent people is that they don’t have the right person there to mentor them.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

9. You’re Clinical

No wonder it feels weird when I wiggle my head back and forth.

This may seem somewhat contradictory to the previous item on this list, but it’s not quite the same. If you have one of these things collide, it may seem to be a problem. One might say that it means that you don’t care, and it means that you’re cold, cruel, and calculated. You may see this with many doctors, but since they’re doctors they don’t care? They must maintain a clinical state of mind to get through the day. It may not seem tasteful, and it may seem like an excuse, but it’s the truth for many of them. Yeah, they get paid, and over time, they may get used to the struggle; however, it does not mean that they started out this way. If they did, it’s not to say that empathy isn’t the approach. It certainly is when it comes to helping solve the struggles of others.

The point is that you may look at things very logically, but this is part of the problem solving zeitgeist. Logic can be seen as a defense mechanism of the world around you not making any sense. The more you may try to make sense of things, the more confusing it can become. The more you can get lost in the divergent confusion that it creates. If you maintain a logical standard for your problem-solving skills, you can stay in a place that allows you to keep at the top of your game. If you’re intelligent but selfish and arrogant, you’re missing something that makes it great. You’re, in a sense, negating the very reason that it counts. If it’s all about “what’s in it for me,” then you’re literally throwing it in the garbage.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

10. You’re Busy and Creative

Don’t mind me ghosting you, I just had to blow off some creative steam.

Sometimes, the craziest solutions are the best solutions. Staying busy can be a part of this, but we can often deal with depression as well. If you’re not busy reading a book or article, you’re busy thinking about something unique and interesting. A different point of view or “out of the box” thinking is a major part of being smart. It’s not to say that we’re always at our best, but it’s certainly a trait nonetheless. Some of us may show it a little different than the next, but to think differently is a major factor. Do we always recognize the smartest people? We probably don’t. It’s not to say that they’re not there, and many of them show their creativity differently.

Staying busy can relate to working out and staying fit to writing a book or reading the latest published studies. It can even involve writing something interesting for a personal blog in the form of an article. If you’re bored, the mindset is to find something else to do. If you’re doing absolutely nothing, you may find this a fascinating time, wondering and thinking to yourself. You may even find something interesting to do no matter the boredom you may have.

Though we all deal with boredom, those who are smart will be less bored. They will always try to find something to do with their time. This is because there’s nothing worst than a missed opportunity. Even if many intelligent people stay busy, it does not mean that there isn’t downtime. Boredom is something every single person deals with. Smart people are just better at learning to find something interesting. This is what sets being smart and busy from simply being busy. Although, being busy can give you better skills at being smart. This habit can present itself in the form of time management skills to learning a new vocational skill.

There are plenty of smart people that want some sort of world fame. They may want it in the form of admiration or recognition of some fact they discovered. This is where some smart people may differ greatly from their counterparts. Everyone wants to be noticed for something good, even if they don’t realize it. Those who are smart may even create their own rules to a problem. They may be considered rule breakers and rebels, having taught themselves at a younger age how to be self-sufficient. Being smart has much to do with nurture. If you grew up in an environment where you did not have to think for yourself, you may struggle. Practical application of knowledge is more useful than sitting there and thinking all day. These skills are the things that will pay the bills for you later on, genius or not.

Final Thoughts: The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

There are certainly other factors to consider, but it’s a good start. To say what is related to intelligence is based on how you can break it down. We can start at one thing and end with another; an understanding that these things can be easy to understand and simplify. Certain markers for doing something related to intelligence can simply bring out the smarts in people. This can occur without it necessarily meaning that they’re above it all. It does not mean that there is not a correlation, and that’s all we’re trying to understand in the end. The understanding that certain people are drawn to certain things based on how “smart” they are, does exist.

Even if it does not means that, there are plenty of things that intelligent people find interest in. There are some people that are smart and are bad at math or simply dislike it. The dislike of math does not mean that you’re not good at it. However, it does means that you won’t be able to focus on it. A lot of people will find interest in art, math, science, literature, and all sorts of things. It does not mean that you have to have an interest in everything. All it truly means is that you will have an interest in any number of things.

If you’re smart, don’t allow things like performance anxiety get in the way. There’s always room for failure, and it does not mean that you’re bad. Many of the best ended up being the smartest, and they probably started being the worst. Understand what holds you back, and learn to be okay with and overcome it. If you’re don’t end up learning anything from your intelligence by simply sitting there and not utilizing it, you’re wasting your time. The point is to fix things and try to make the most of it by practically applying your skills.

The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

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The 10 Guaranteed Signs That You Are Intelligent

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