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The Best Things to Do When Feeling Anxious or Depressed

depression and anxiety

Things to Do When Feeling Depressed

Turn that frown upside down… oh, wait… .

The feelings that encapsulate all of humanity are the same ones that can all bring us together. When we’re feeling down is when we also have a chance to bounce back up. While I don’t encourage everyone to feed the addiction we call life, I do encourage you to do things that will aid you in the inevitable. I want to help you with the best things that you can do when you’re feeling depressed.

You’ll be okay, or so they say… . You will be fine, it just takes some time all the time.

Everyone, from time to time, will cope with a bout of sadness or depression; it’s where everything feels hopeless. Along with this depression can come feelings of anxiety — a strong feeling of fear, dread and impending doom. Let’s say that you don’t want to or can’t take a supplement. What do you do? Maybe it just isn’t enough. It always helps to do as much as you can, even when you don’t feel like it. There are numerous little things you can do here and there, and I’m barely covering the basics here. I’m going to list below ten things you can do when feeling depressed and anxious.

Always consult with someone if you’re feeling down. Reading something helps, and listening to what I’m saying can as well. However, if you feel like you can’t go on without professional help (having had help or not), I’m not here to replace a therapist, counselor or psychologist, etc.

Anxiety and depression are often co-morbid, and this is why they’re so damaging. You may actually be dealing with a disorder. If this is a fact, go see a therapist and doctor in addition to all I’ve listed here. Nothing can replace someone who knows your personal struggles. I’m simply here to give you a little guidance, specific and otherwise, to give you a boost. If all else fails, there’s always an option, you just have to take the baton and run with it.

Go For A Walk/Exercise

Run, Forest… walk, but not in the middle of the road!

Something as simple as going for a walk can make you happy, at least enough to get on your feet. This is quite literal, too. If you’re feeling down, getting up and doing any kind of exercise can help; however, a nice brisk walk, even around the house can get you to stop thinking so myopically.

Changing your environment and fresh air help. Also, it’s okay to react differently to people than others would. If you’re different, don’t feel bad. Most of the time, people aren’t even focused on you. You’re your own worst enemy. If you understand this, you’ll understand that whatever seems to be a strange overreaction to you is nothing but an unnoticed irritation to someone else. Quit being so self-conscious on yourself. If you’re emotionally intelligent, you’re also probably very self-aware. It’s not a big deal.

What happens when you walk is spectacular — your body releases endorphins. If you break even the smallest of sweats, this can get you to forget your anxiety and depression, even if just for a moment. If you have the time to reset for even a few minutes, this can jolt you out of your misery and make your day feel so much better. I know you’ve heard it before, but trust me, exercise can make a massive difference in your state of mind.

If you’ve ever been afraid of doctors, you may have “white coat hypertension.” This is a fear of a medical environment where most doctors wear a white lab coat.

Hey, a 20 minute walk can do it, but it you need more time — nothing is more important than your mental health — take your time and/or make the time. Not only will you feel better, you can get healthier, and in this process, you can lose weight. Maybe the problem was simply a physical one, just make sure not to run away. This simple “trick” can get you to change your environment, possible soak up some sun, and it’ll give you the release everyone needs to some degree or another.

Read A Book (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

What’re you reading?

Sitting down, relaxing and reading a book or even article can give you reprieve from the negatives stresses of your life. It doesn’t have to be a book, and as I mentioned, you can do anything online nowadays. Giving yourself some time and a chance to research your problem or involve yourself in a fantasy can brighten your spirits all the more. Having a little bit of self-awareness helps as well. With this, you can do a little bit of guiding knowing exactly what kind of mood you want to avoid and be in.

The worst place to be in is in your mind; you’re always there. If you take this nugget of information — something you carry around everywhere — with you, you will find that the fear of “leaving” or going somewhere can go away.

All I’d recommend is to not waste too much time getting lost. When it comes to depression, negativity comes from a place of fantasy as well. Don’t get too lost (in your own head), especially if you know what upsets you. However, spend as much time as you need to get yourself feeling better. Maybe a great work of fiction will give you relief by involving your imagination. Engaging in your mind and giving it what it needs to stay healthy is important. Stay involved, and interact as much to keep your serotonin pumping. This is all giving you a lane to have as your own that no one can bury.

Write it Down/Create Something

Okay, okay, I got the memo.

Writing down your dreams after you wake up can actually be kind of cathartic. You know, it is very much possible to give yourself the therapy you need when no one is around. Some people may use a diary or journal to write down their feelings.

ellipsis . Shake yourself out of what is depressing you. If you just sit and stew, marinating in your own misery will do you no good. Sometimes we get caught in rabbit holes, and these rabbit holes seem endless. If you’re sitting there, simply move your head and do something. A simple task such as this can make a difference, or maybe it’s just me. Also, maybe I don’t know what else it is. Even if we can realize our moods can come to a halt with the negativity again (the negativity that caused it), at least it gives you an opportunity to change it later on. It’s better than being stuck, right? Don’t worry, it’ll happen anyway. See, writing helps too!

Writing what you’re feeling and thinking can help you, and it can give also you insight. Nothing has to be inflamed or incendiary, but releasing negative emotions through ignited passion is amazing.

Empty your mind and learn from your negativity.

If you learn how to connect the dots between your thoughts and feelings, you can learn to see what can help you. Maybe you feel like writing a book, or as mentioned above, your interest lies in writing a new entry into your daily journal. Give yourself some ambitions and room for improvement. If you do this, you’ll stay driven for longer than you thought was possible. Whatever helps you is all that matters, it’s just about knowing what it is.

Hey, you’re reading now, and maybe, if you put your mind to it, you can write something spectacular. All you have to do is feel it; think of something inspirational. Writing feels good once you get the hang of it. Don’t hold back, because there’s nothing to be afraid of.

If you’re feeling down, creativity energies may be lacking. It shouldn’t stop you from doing something: drawing, writing, sculpting, etc. There are plenty of therapeutic ways to release negative built up anxiety and depression. If these are things you like to do anyway, I’d recommend that you force yourself to do them. No worries if you can’t, but what’s the point if you don’t give yourself the drive, huh? I mean, I can tell you that this is what I’m doing “write” now. Do you get it?

Talk With A Friend (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

Uh, you might want to watch out for rust and the axe murderer.

If you’re not alone or really feel like you need to talk with someone, giving a friend a call can help. There are also suicide hotlines where you can speak with someone who is there to listen to your problems. Feeling judged and neglected for is what often brings people to keep their emotions to themselves. This adds to the pressure you keep building up inside of yourself. In this negative state, all you’ll find is anger and frustration.

We all know that, even if we hate people sometimes, a good conversation can reverse that. Some people just hate all the time on a deeper level. Maybe you’ll even end up helping them. You’ll end up realizing that other people have problems, too. They have their issues where your anxiety is telling you that you need to worry all the time. If you’re worried about peer pressure and judgement, don’t!

The issue here is that you end up feeling more wrapped up in your negativity; it ends up getting worse. It’s always wise to get help from the outside world to keep yourself from losing track of what a reasonable thought it to begin with. You can always go to a therapist, but maybe that’s not on the table for whatever reason yet. Go and talk with a friend, and I know that’s hard right now. Covid-19 is still ravaging the world, but hey, you can call someone, and if you need to, social distance and see a friend. Sometimes seeing is believing, so open your eyes.

Meditation (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

It all comes in waves.

Alone time is always good, but meditation doesn’t always have to be done alone. Meditation only needs to involve you, but there are groups where you can meditate with others. You can even do it with your friends, family or whoever you’d like. If you’re interested in mindfulness, the only place to go is your mind. Even if you’re dealing with crippling depression or debilitating anxiety, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Quit wasting time obsessing, struggling and thinking about it. If you quit doing this, you’ll get out of your mind. I know, it’s easier said than done, but the steps are right there. It’s hard, but it’s easy, and view it in such a way that you’re going to get through it without much struggle. You’re just one step away. Hey, I never said it was easy knowing how easy or hard something is.

Give yourself 15 minutes to reflect and meditate everyday. Try to clear your mind of as much of the dirt as you possible can. Learn to allow yourself to overlook your thoughts. If they come, allow them to go, and you must breathe. You’ll more than likely see a massive improvement in your state of mind and body. This isn’t just some spiritual crap, it actually helps. Give it a try, and you’ll find out that you actually enjoy it.

Cognitive and dialectical behavioral therapies (CBT and DBT) are great for allowing yourself to become mindful. All it is, is mindfulness practices. Do some research and learn a great way to get better now!

The biggest problem is that we don’t want to be happy. We expect the next worse thing to happen, but that next worse thing is our mood reacting to the negative we create. It’s a sick cycle, and if you realize that it doesn’t have to be that way, you start getting better. It’s never a surefire win, but at least we can all get better at it. Begin to change your responses now

Watch Something Funny (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

Let me guess… no monkey business.

Getting yourself to laugh can be one of the greatest things you can do to get yourself out of a hump in your day, week or even month. All it takes is the something you know that’ll make you laugh. What happens is that we can all end up in a mood that really just makes us think that all is lost. If you feel this way, you’re allowing your negativity to bleed into the rest of your life. A mindset that you can fall back on with re-calibration to cope with is key to success. If you have a trigger, know how to not press those buttons.

I ain’t want none of this funny business… . Laughing releases endorphins, too. Never underestimate the smile on your face. This is because the more you smile, feeling good or bad, the more it increases your tolerance to pain and gives you pleasure.

If you have YouTube, go watch a video. Maybe you could learn how to be a comedian. Hey, maybe you’re funny and don’t know it. Motivate yourself, and you can be doing the same, feeling better and doing the same thing for someone else. Hey, why shouldn’t you just become a motivational speaker? Tell yourself a joke, watch a funny movie, etc, and make sure you practice it. The more you practice, the better you get. It all feeds the positivity, and you sure as heck deserve it.

Reward Yourself and Help Others

No, I just wrapped it for myself.

Positive reinforcement is almost always a good thing. Not only does it mean that you deserve a reward, but you’ve probably earned it as well. Some people may say that rewarding yourself is excessive, but who cares. Don’t worry about what they may mean or what you think is wrong, because it doesn’t really matter. The point is to keep going without destroying yourself too much; we’re hardest on ourselves. Rewarding oneself gives you something to look forward to, so make those little ones count. Sometimes it’s a mindset, so make that meal you eat and dollar you earn become more important. If you have something to look forward to, your brain releases dopamine.

Over time, you’ll learn how to, in a sense, release your natural pleasure chemicals. You can have that power by simply making a change. If you do the things you like the most, you can do it. Maybe part of that is simple thinking of yourself releasing those chemicals. Think long and hard! Maybe it’ll happen for you, and your thought had all to do with it.

Dopamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is released in the brain that signals a reward. If you want an normally functioning brain and central nervous system, making sure to give yourself a little something to look forward to helps. Don’t deprive yourself of a normally functioning brain, just don’t over do it and indulge too much.

Everyone makes mistakes, even the smartest of us. Don’t let your mistakes or fear of failure hold you back. Hey, sometimes I’ve just got to keep it simple. Don’t let the movies fool you.

Also, sometimes giving is receiving, and this principle works. Hey, go and work for a soup kitchen on the weekends, or lend a hand to someone in need. Hey, the golden rule does work, so do unto others as others do unto you. This’ll do the same thing to you, because a reward for someone else is a reward for you. Imagine if you’d need some help and no one is there, because at least you were. If you do this stuff, the feeling will go away, but there is a sweet spot, so find it for yourself.

Learn Something New (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

Yeah, but do you “love to learn”?

Actively approaching new knowledge is a great way to envelope yourself in a different state of mind. Hey, we all even do it by accident. Learning is simply the process of being alive and experiencing new things. Sometimes we do it out of discipline, and other times it’s just a happy accident. This obviously encompasses almost all that is on here, but not quite.

Hey, I can keep going, but there’s only so much I can say.

Learning broadens the mind. If you’re feeling down and out, maybe the best thing you can do is learn about why. Approach new ideas and use them to your advantage. Go online, read a book, and this can curtail your negative thinking. Create a better “vibe” as they say, because you may be the one who needs it. Don’t let the emotions control you, because they’ll slowly get the best of you.

Trust me, you have people who love you all around you. I need to tell myself this every day. I know that it may sound lost and desperate, but it’s not, and overcoming that fear to think so goes a long way. Even if there were no one there, who cares. You shouldn’t have to say it, but if you, it’s fine. Some day you may not need it, but if you do, there’s no shame.

It’s a constant challenge, but you’re still here, and you’re still up for it. We’re all controlled by memes and negative thought patterns. If you learn to learn, and this learning gives you something, it may help you. Make this entire learning experience your own, because it belongs to you.

Have Fun and Play (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

On the count of three…!

Having fun can mean a lot and have plenty of connotations. I know this is very general, but having fun depends on the person. Yes, the thing you’re thinking of is certainly a part of this as well. Occasionally it may come in handy. I’m not just talking about sex, but masturbation as well; it’s the fun pun mentioned earlier. We have to realize that it’s not always easy and fun in games. Having this kind of fun is sometimes the relief you need, male or female. Not only does it release positively affecting hormones in the body, it releases tension. It can be sexual tension, but the tension could be a release valve holding onto other problems as well. Hey, at leas it can help.

Hey, I knew that they said that time under tension worked! Don’t let the perfect get in the way of the better. You can obsess, or you can choose not to. The outcome will be as destined. Just know that your thoughts can get in the way. You can do things differently, and maybe they can be better. Just try to quit with the struggle if you can avoid it.

Maybe it’ll take some time and more than one thing on this list that’ll help, but an occasional release of oxytocin “the feel good hormone” can, well, make you feel good. If you can’t just get in touch with a loved one, or you’re just not in the mood, having a little alone time can always come in handy. Fun doesn’t always involve “sexy good time” though, so find something you enjoy doing: playing video games, practicing a sport, joining an athletic or academic team, playing an instrument, etc.

Things to Do When Feeling Depressed: Playing by yourself with yourself is fine.

Anything can be an outlet for anyone. If you’re a musician, write a new song, and if you like to play soccer, then learn a new move. There is no end to the fun you can have, you just have to be willing to do it. Once you get stuck, you may stay stuck to the thing you get caught up in; there’s nothing wrong with a good time.

Refresh and Bathe (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

Don’t go chasin’ waterfalls!

Don’t we all know that taking a bath can help us? Also, you may be thinking that this only applies to those of us who never do bathe, but you’re wrong. While it may apply to those truly struggling to even get up and out every day, it applies to everyone. Even if you bathe, it’s something you happen to do to feel better. If you need a refresher, jump in the shower, or if you need some time, take a hot bath. Most people don’t bathe anymore, because there are better alternatives. Refreshing also has a lot to do with simply taking a break from something.

Things to Do When Feeling Depressed: Have a damn good bathe occasionally! Maybe you can even just lay in the tub with the shower head on. Try to make the time, because no one else can do it but you. Sometimes things are going to suck, but we can take part in lessening that.

A shower is typically seen as the way to go because of how fast people want to be in and out. A nice refreshing bath can help too. A lot of what refreshing also has to do with getting enough sleep. Think of these things, in a sense, as metaphorically washing your issues away. Making sure to not be getting up in the morning because of a health issue, alarm or obligation. If so, you need more sleep, so lay back down, or you will end up feeling snotty all day. It’s your choice, but a different routine may help. Even if these things aren’t the root cause, it never hurts to find out. At the very least, these things can help you get better overt time.

Change and Diet (Things to Do When Feeling Depressed)

Um, I’m going to need another serving of bread.

How you treat your body and maintain your health have a lot of say in how you can and will feel. If you want to feel better and have been struggling with anxiety and depression, there’s nothing better than to change what you eat. “You are what you eat,” they say, but the cliche does have an element of truth. Do your best to change things up, especially if you feel like what you’re eating is having a negative effect on your health. Do some research, join a program, and keep your eye on the prize. If you want to be happy and healthy, make a change, and much of this change can make all the difference.

Things to Do When Feeling Depressed: Diet harder than last time!

There are plenty of good diet plans to follow, and if you don’t want to, any improvement helps. Follow some of the plans listed just about everywhere online. You can even create your own diet plan. This could even give you motivation to change more in your life. Maybe you can make your own diet, follow it, and even share it with the rest of the world. The change can start now, and it starts with you, and it can be anything, not just your diet.

National Helpline:

When we get depressed, like I said, it can dampen your whole outlook. Sometimes, all it takes is a little change, and all of a sudden, you’re feeling fine. Catch yourself from these rabbit holes of destruction, because it doesn’t have to be this way — remember that. There’s my list for you, and you’re always welcome to add more to your own personal cache. Of course, the list can be endless, but I’ve fed the endless, and that’s where you come in. It’s up to you! Find your niche, improve upon it, and if you want, share it with everyone else.

You can always take medication, but try something else first. There’s also room to always try it in addition to any chemical help you may need.

Blog Page: creatorconquer


Things to Do When Feeling Depressed

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