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10 Amazing Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online
The 10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online
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10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

Being online is a good thing, but it can also be a very bad thing; it is a necessary evil. Many experiences people have had online can cause them to think of suicide or murder. The internet is cloaked in constant praise, but it does not mean that it is all good. There are just too many problems with it, and it seems like no one wants to do anything about it. While fixing the internet is a nearly impossible thing to do, easy improvements can be made. Forcing people to take accountability is one of them, but this is not part of the money making machine. This is where it is important to make a change and also know what you can do to protect yourself. If you are a nuisance, then that is a different story. Thee are the 10 thing you should avoid doing online.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

1. Arguing

Trying to convince someone online is like trying to open a two ton can of worms with a toothpick. Everyone is coming in with preconceived notions and is not looking to be proven wrong. Any kind of debate gets thrown to the wayside for the sake of name calling and wordplay. Even if a debate or discussion should be possible, most people do very little to listen to someone else. It is not to say that you will not occasionally find success, but reason is few and far between online. Trial and error will be a part of the process, just as it is in real life. The only difference is that anonymity plays a role, so people feel less obligation to be honest and fair. This is why any good deed goes expertly punished, so avoid the needless arguments unless you want to brought to their level.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

2. Sharing Location

First things first — do not be an asshole yourself. Anyone who does not like you will find a way to make you look bad. Doxing is a real issue, and the internet is full of seedy trolls looking to make your life miserable. Even if they are not hidden, your Facebook friends may be doing the same. It does not matter the situation, as people online feel a sense of satisfaction at the expense of others. There is an invisible wall they feel safe and comfortable behind, but they are unaware of just how thin it can be. A sense of entitlement is very common and almost a prerequisite in the online world. There is always an excuse or a few social media pages someone can hide behind when making life miserable. People can end up showing up to your house to start something.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

3. Sharing Media

The same as the last thing on this list — people are trying to out people they disagree with. If you have shared a picture with someone, they may decide to use it against you. A person with low character is willing to sell your pictures, videos, or location for no good reason at all. Sometimes, this is the point to begin with, so it is always important to know who you are sending things to. If you dumped a guy and he took it too personally, he may come back with a vengeance you were not prepared for. It is a sad truth, and it does not stop there. Things like the dark web and hackers make the problem even more tricky, as they can hack your computer. There is no place to hide unless you protect yourself, and it is a slippery slope.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

4. Watch News

When people are looking online, they are generally looking for validation of their vices without repercussion. People are willing to believe just about anything, as long as it agrees with them. There is no shortage of things online that line up with just about any belief. The same thing happens with reviews and affiliate marketing, where truth is the last thing on the list. You will need a bird’s eye view of just about everything. This is why it is important to do your own research, as just about no one is to be trusted. There is always a bias involved, but the bias is not always bad or lied about. This is why you look up who is more trusted than others. Try to come to a consensus from there if you can, but you can only do so much. Unfortunately, this is a slippery slope for most.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

5. Share Copyrighted Content

This is usually a big no-no for musicians and movie-watchers out there. Those who want to make it big online but do not want to make their own stuff usually find ways though. Everyone is trying to share pirated or bootlegged media, and they are finding the best ways to do it. Research in how you try to overcome this, as the people who know how to get away with it never reveal their tricks. It is generally a race to the top, and if you are caught, you can get in big trouble. If you are just starting out, this is when it can hit you the most. You may not have the money to pay for the lawsuit or can end up losing your YouTube channel. This generally makes it not worth the trouble in the end, as corporations suck; selfishness knows no bounds.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

6. Look for Validation

The last place you are going to find validation is online. While this may seem like it contradicts a previous item on this list, it really does not. The reason most people are looking for validation online is because of problems online. Social media and Facebook are the biggest culprits, as they are full of pricks. Everything is a competition, and they will tear you down for the sake of their ego. You can be doing the same thing, but if you are being honest, the same thing can happen. It sometimes is not that easy to find, and there is plenty that can reasonably ruin it for you. While there are plenty of places to seek it, there is also no shortage of things that will take it all away. Just be aware that there are a lot of people who do not like you.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

7. Research Things

The online landscape is full of fakes and phonies you should barely trust and believe. While research is commonplace and decent online, you have to have a peeping eye. The problem is that many people peep at the wrong things and take other things at face value. You should generally avoid comment sections, as they are full of idiots with only a badge of dunce to their name. Unless a person seems qualified, what they say should not be trusted. The issue is that you can only do so much about any of it. If you can get your research from a reputable source, try that. Find places and names that are trusted, even if it means that you have to read a book or newspaper. Not everything you see is to be believed, including the spies who spy on you.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

8. Make Friends

Making friends and taking advice online is a shady business, and most people never want to be met. Putting one foot in front of the other is a challenge for most people, believe it or not. When you trust someone, that person can end up deceiving you in innumerable ways. This does not mean that you should be scared of everyone and everything, but it is important to know. Being cautious is one thing, but being bedridden and frightened is another. There are plenty of good people you can meet online, but it goes nowhere most of the time. Start out trying to make friends with people you know in person rather than online. The same thing can be said for dating sites, which often just end in massive disappointment.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

9. Become Famous

The online world is a place of roleplay, vice, and deception. These are reasons you should avoid entirely relying on someone or something online. This goes in line with other items on this list, and people can end up using your words against you. If you make a name for yourself by making a big YouTube channel or Facebook page, trouble can follow. The advice given is not always good and can even end up getting you killed. There are stupid challenges people take part in just to get a following, and this attention seeking ends up getting them killed. It is not only unhealthy, it is dangerous and flat out dumb. It is a problem in the real world as well, as everything ends up online anyway. Try to do things the right way, and you should be fine.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

10. Be Anonymous

Now, being anonymous online is a double edged sword. There are reasons to be anonymous, but there are also reasons why you should not be. Anonymity almost seems necessary because of the crazies out there; however, anonymity is generally desired by those causing problems anyway. Good people get sucked into this negative web and end up finding reasons to be anonymous; anonymity then provokes more problems. There are problems with just about everything, but that does not mean that you cannot enjoy them. You can find success anyway, as this is not necessarily what this list is about. Try to take a stand and avoid being too anonymous, at least as a stand of character. It is not like everything has got to be revealed, so try to find the right balance.

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

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10 Things You Should Avoid Doing Online

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